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BOTSJ Update: Blake Christian and Titán remain undefeated in A Block

All Best of the Super Jr. competitors have gone through two matches and from this point on each day will be dedicated to one block matches. A Block was in action today.

GCW World Champion, Blake Christian, picked up his third straight victory today defeating Yoshinobu Kanemaru and Titan also remained undefeated by overcoming HAYATA. They both sit atop A Block tied with 6 points each.

Elsewhere in A Block, Kosei Fujita has been the talk of the tournament after two great showings and he looked to bring that into today as he faced Kevin Knight.

Fujita and Knight began their match with some classic chain wrestling and exchanges, that was until Knight took Fujita down with a shoulder tackle. However, Fujita quickly responded with an arm drag, dropkick and running kick off the apron. He then chopped Knight back into the ring and slammed him into the mat.

Fujita now began to focus on Knight’s left arm, he continued to attack it with twists, drags and kicks. Knight got back into things by side-stepping Fujita and sending him to the floor, he then landed a springboard crossbody to the outside. Knight now slammed him into the mat and then rolled across the ring to drop a leaping frog splash onto Fujita.

Knight maintained control with a stiff clothesline, but Fujita then reversed an attack from Knight and connected a big enzigiri. He followed that with a springboard missile dropkick and locked in a guillotine. Knight managed to break the hold, but Fujita returned by driving Knight’s arm into his knees. Fujita now bounced off the ropes, but only to run into a perfect dropkick from Knight.

Knight overcomes Fujita. Credit: NJPW

He then took the air to regain control as he springboarded off the ropes to hit Fujita with a clothesline. Knight then wanted the finish, but Fujita caught him in a kimura lock attacking the injured arm. It seemed to be over, however, Knight somehow made it to the ropes to break the hold. Fujita tried for a German suplex next and Knight just flipped out of it before dropping Fujita with a sit-out spine buster.

Knight then took his opportunity to hit Fujita with his signature Spike DDT to get the victory and move to 4 points in the tournament.

Best of the Super Juniors Standings

A Block Standings

Best of the Super Juniors A Block

B Block Standings

Best of the Super Juniors Block B

Best of the Super Juniors Night 3 Results

House of Torture (SHO & Yujiro Takahashi) vs. Katsuya Murashima & Ninja Mack

Takahashi defeated Murashima with a fisherman buster. Following the match, House of Torture continued their beat down and SHO stole Ninja Mack’s mask.

Winners: House of Torture (SHO & Yujiro Takahashi)

Just 5 Guys (DOUKI & TAKA Michinoku) vs. Bullet Club War Dogs (Drilla Moloney & Gedo)

DOUKI forced Gedo to submit with his signature cross-leg choke.

Winners: Just 5 Guys (DOUKI & TAKA Michinoku)

United Empire (Callum Newman & Francesco Akira) vs. KUSHIDA & Tiger Mask

Newman caught Tiger Mask with the Os-Cutter to get the victory.

Winners: United Empire (Callum Newman & Francesco Akira)

Los Ingobernables de Japon (Hiromu Takahashi & Tetsuya Naito) vs. Dragon Dia & Tomoaki Honma

Naito got Honam to submit after locking him into a neck-crank submission.

Winners: Los Ingobernables de Japon (Hiromu Takahashi & Tetsuya Naito)

Best of the Super Junior A Block Match: Kevin Knight vs. Kosei Fujita

Winner: Kevin Knight

Best of the Super Junior A Block Match: Blake Christian vs. Yoshinobu Kanemaru

Christian remained undefeated to begin the tournament by defeating Kanemaru with the springboard 450 splash.

Winner: Blake Christian

Best of the Super Junior A Block Match: Titán vs. HAYATA

Undefeated Titán. Credit: NJPW

Titán is another man who has yet to lose in the tournament, he defeated HAYATA today with the Llave Immortal.

Winner: Titán

Best of the Super Junior A Block Match: Clark Connors vs. TJP

Connors dropped TJP with a superplex and then the Full Clip to get the win.

Winner: Clark Connors

Best of the Super Junior A Block Match: El Desperado vs. BUSHI

Numero Dos. Credit: NJPW

Desperado had BUSHI locked tightly into Numero Dos, he continued to wrench at his leg until he had no choice but to submit.

Winner: El Desperado

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