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NWA POWERRR: On the road to the Crockett Cup

Courtesy of the NWA. Credit: Hiban Huerta

The National Wrestling Alliance is coming off Hard Times and is starting to focus on its signature Crockett Cup event. Many tag teams are vying for the number 16 seed in the Cup that we will see tonight on this episode of NWA POWERRR on The CW app. Also, Big Strong Mims is hungry for gold and wants a chance at the NWA National title held by Thom Latimer. The only thing standing in his way is the masked man Zyon under the watchful eye of Austin Idol.

There is a video package that shows both men’s interest in becoming the new number one contender.

Who's Next In Line For Latimer's NATIONAL TITLE?

We come to you once again from the PowerrrStation. Joe Galli and Danny Dealz have the call, and your First Match of the Night is…

Courtesy of the NWA. Credit: Hiban Huerta

The Heavenly Butterflies (Tony Donati and Faboo Andre) vs. The Cheese & Mike Orlando

It’s been a while since we’ve seen Donati and Andre grace our presence in the NWA.  Orlando and Cheese are relative newcomers here.  Orlando is “The Green Machine,” and you might have seen him in matches on AEW recently.  The Cheese’s gimmick is…well, he likes those Velveeta Singles and keeps them in his fanny pack.

I mean, I’m not gonna lie but I could do a Patty Melt right now.

It’ll have to wait as this will be a contendership to see who will fight for the number sixteen seed in the Crockett Cup.  Donati and Orlando start and even though he has the size, Donati provides the technical acumen.  The size wins out, Orlando tags in Cheese, drops a Velveeta slice on his chest, and they hit a double elbow that Galli dubs a “Panini press.”  Now Andre tags in and he floats fast and furious versus The Cheese.  The big man goes for an elbow drop that misses and Andre is a mighty Monarch butterfly.  He tags Donati back in, and he and Andre ensure The Cheese stands alone.  The Cheese manages to fight back and nail a second rope elbow drop to Andre, and he gets the hot tag to Orlando who is a Green Machine en Fuego.  At one point, he takes both Butterflies in a Samoan Drop/DDT combo move to cover for a two count.  Donati manages to get The Cheese in a full nelson and Andre climbs up top for a high-risk maneuver.  The Cheese gets away, and Andre gets speared by Orlando on the way down.  Now he’s feeling Cheesy and he gets a slice on Donati and delivers a spinning inverted facelock elbow drop (or let’s call it an “Eye of the Halloumi™’) to secure the win.

Your Winners, and advancing to the Number 16 Seed Contendership:  Mike Orlando and The Cheese

Kyle Davis is with The Immortals, Kratos and Odinson, as well as Mike Knox and Trevor Murdoch. Murdoch mentions that the only place for them is number one in The Crockett Cup.  They proclaim they kicked ass last year to secure the Cup, and it won’t be any different this year.

With that, NWA Women’s Champion Kenzie Paige and NWA National Champion Thom Latimer announce who is seeded going into the Crockett Cup and they are as follows:

  1. Blunt Force Trauma(NWA Tag Team Champions Carnage and Damage) 
  2. Mike Knox and Trevor Murdoch
  3. The Southern Six
  4. The Immortals
  5. Daisy Kill and Talos
  6. The Savages of Samoa (LA Smooth and Ativalu)
  7. Jax Dane and Tim Storm
  8. The Fixers (Wrecking Ball Legursky and Jay Bradley)
  9. Max The Impaler and Judais
  10. The Looks That Kill (Bryan Idol and Natalia Markova)
  11. The Country Gentlemen (AJ and KC Cazana)
  12. The Stew Crew (Dylan and Zach Stewart)
  13. The Kidz (Jackson Drake and Lev)
  14. The Slimeballz (Sage Chantz and Tommy Rant)
  15. The Miserably Faithful (Gaagz The Gymp and Sal-Vation)
  16. Winner TBD in a tournament

After the announcements are made, Kratos says they should be the number one contenders but they’re happy where they are at present and they want to showcase why they are the best. He even says directly to Knox and Murdoch they are nipping at their heels.

I am particularly curious about some of the teams entering and how they will mesh in the Crockett Cup.  Specifically, Markova will be in the mix with the boys, as it were, as well as The Stew Crew out of Joe Cazana Promotions (an NWA Territory) as the video promotion suggested Joe himself is aligned with the Crew.  Wonder how his sons in the Country Gentlemen feel about that?

Now Davis is talking with Aron Stevens while Blunt Force Trauma is in the ring with the tag belts.  As the crowd boos, Stevens tells us to pay no attention to the halfwits.  He points out they are number one and “it is the loneliest number you’ll see, except for BFT.”  In short, The Crockett Cup is in favor of Blunt Force Trauma.

So let’s see who else will contend in The Crockett Cup, as your next match is between…

Courtesy of the NWA. Credit: Hiban Huerta

Cam Fox and Kai Price vs. The Spectaculars (Brady Pierce and Slade, with Rolando Freeman)

Faster than you can say, “the card is subject to change,” two things are noticeable on The Spectacular side:  No Rush Freeman and Brady Pierce is back in the NWA. Huh.  Guess that Loser Leaves Town match at Samhain had a return clause.  Also, Fox and Price are billed as students of “The Dungeon” and Fox is trained by Natalya and TJ Wilson.  Canada is representing.

They demonstrate some nice chain wrestling action at the start, but it isn’t long until Slade takes Fox to school.  Some nice standing dropkicks by Fox to allow him a near fall and then he tags in Price.  They display good tag chemistry, and Price immediately attempts a sharpshooter but it gets blocked.  He goes up the top turnbuckle and Pierce distracts the ref as Slade gets in position and gives him a suplex.  The Spectaculars look…well, spectacular with their newfound attitude as they put Price in Peril.  Slade goes for a nasty cloverleaf and puts pressure on Price’s back, but he manages to escape and he gets the hot tag to Cam who is a flying Fox en fuego.  He connects on Slade with a fisherman’s neckbreaker, and Price climbs and follows with the big elbow drop to cover, but Pierce breaks the pin attempt.  Fox and Price send Pierce over the top rope and they attempt a Hart Attack in honor of their mentors.  The Spectaculars have it scouted, and Slade and Pierce deliver with a Russian legsweep/big boot combo to get the three count to advance.

Your Winners, and advancing to the Number 16 Seed Contendership:  The Spectaculars

Davis talks to The Spectaculars after the match.  Rolando lays out what we suspected:  Rush ain’t part of the group anymore and Pierce is back in the fold.  He promises the Crockett Cup Will come to them soon.

Backstage, The King Bees (Charity King and Danni Bee) are excited to defend the NWA Women’s Tag Team titles in their home state of Texas. They hope there might be an all-female Crockett Cup down the road, but either wait they implore their fans to join them on all the social media as they will be welcomed to their kingdom.

There is a spotlight on the NWA promotions and their upcoming events in the month of May and June.  After Crockett Cup on June 1st will be an event titled Back to the Territories, showcasing the best of the promotions under the NWA banner like Exodus Pro, Kross Fire Wrestling, Joe Cazana Promotions-NWA Southeast, and World League Wrestling (founded by Harley Race).

If you want to see if the NWA will hold an event in your area, click here for tickets.  

EC3 is at the commentary desk alongside Galli and Dealz as he will have a big announcement on his challenger for the Ten Pounds of Gold.  But that will happen later as it’s time for the Main Event and it is a…

Courtesy of the NWA. Credit: Hiban Huerta

Number One Contender Match for the NWA National Title:  Big Strong Mims vs. Zyon (with Austin Idol)

The bell rings and they lock up. Zyon shows he’s tougher than Mims, but he’s able to show the masked man he’s big and strong too, much to Zyon’s chagrin.  He gets Mims is a side headlock and clamps down on his neck and head, but Mims shoves him off and connects with a shoulder tackle.  Now he nails a flying shoulder tackle that knocks Zyon off his feet, and Mims is feeling Big and Strong and slams him in the center of the ring, and then he gives a splash and covers for a two count.  He rolls out of the ring and Mims comes out to discuss the matter with Idol.  He backs off, and Zyon attacks from behind. Mims fares well until a chop to the throat cuts that rally short.  As he gets on the apron, Mims brings Zyon in the hard way with a suplex.  He is ready to put further hurt on him, but the ref checks on Zyon.  Mims rushes to the corner but Zyon manages to get out of the way, and he nails a short arm clothesline and a drop fist from the second rope.  Zyon then chokes Mims on the bottom ropes and as the ref backs him up, Idol cheapshots him.  Mims tries to fight back but then gets a knee to the gut and is thrown headfirst to the middle turnbuckles and then…


We come back and Zyon is still in control and he connects with his jumping fist drop to cover for a two count.  Mims still has some fight and goes for an inside cradle for a near fall followed by a backslide to Zyon.  He gives him a Headbutt to a tackle to a clothesline and Mims is feeling the PowerrrStation’s energy.  He connects with the Big Strong Slam and Idol pulls Zyon’s foot on the bottom rope in front of the ref. Mims argues his point that it isn’t fair, and that allows Zyon to recover as he whips him to the corner and Mims picks him up for a big slam for another two count.  Zyon gets him in a Las Vegas figure-four leglock. Mims fights out and reverses the submission to break the hold, and then they go up the top turnbuckle.  Mims attempts a superplex, but Idol holds on Zyon’s leg as he tumbles to the mat.  Zyon hits a crossbody and cinches in the Z Lock and Mims taps out.

Your Winner and New Number One Contender for the NWA National Title:  Zyon

EC3 announces that he will defend the NWA Heavyweight Championship against Sam Adonis at The Crockett Cup.  He puts over Adonis’ accomplishments south of the border but EC3 makes it clear he is the greatest in the NWA. After all, he is the OverMan, because he is over…man.

NWA Powerrr: 05/14/2024

Final Thoughts:


Mims/Zyon was a great main event, although I wanted to see more heel Mims as well as a run-in from Dak Draper.  Ah, well.  Maybe later.

I am curious about the new version of The Spectaculars, as well as the team of Cheese/Orlando heading into The Crockett Cup.

Until then, See ya next Tuesday.

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