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Raw: Semi-finals for King and Queen of the Ring decided

Tonight’s Raw begins by following the Scottish Psychopath, Drew McIntyre, into the arena. He quickly brought up CM Punk, saying he only shows up in the big cities. Punk always says the greatest trick the devil ever pulled, was making people think he wasn’t real. While the greatest trick Punk pulls is making people believe he has changed.

Punk is still a stooge according to Drew, last week he only challenged him to a fight because Punk watched Drew leave the arena. Drew then turned his attention to the World Heavyweight Champion, Damian Priest, calling him a paper champion. That drew Priest out to the ring, he told Drew he has got some serious issues and he should start talking to people’s faces.

Drew respected Priest coming out to the ring, but he told him he did not deserve the championship and the champion makes the man. So, the title needs Drew for the man to make the championship and Priest cashed in a briefcase because he knows he cannot beat Drew in a real match. Priest told Drew he needs to find a mirror, look into it and blame that assho** for Drew not being a champion.

Drew screwed Drew. Credit: WWE

WrestleMania was Drew’s fault, he could’ve taken his title and ran at ‘Mania, but he saw Punk and that became more important than himself and his wife. Priest did reason with Drew by saying when he is cleared he can have a shot at the title and he can call him a paper champion all he wants, but he will make him eat those words when he’s done with him.

Queen of the Ring Quarterfinals Match: Iyo Sky vs. Shayna Baszler

Sky was in the middle of her entrance when she was attacked from behind by Baszler, they were eventually separated so the match could officially begin. Baszler hung Sky’s arm over the top rope and locked her into a submission hanging over the ropes. She stomped Sky’s left arm into the metal beams under the ring.

Baszler continued her attack, but she made the mistake of going to the top rope and Sky kicked her to the floor. Sky then landed a springboard moonsault onto Baszler outside the ring to kickstart her offence. She then hit a springboard missile dropkick and both women traded submissions, but that ended with a big knee from Baszler. She wanted another knee and instead ran into a dragon screw from Sky who followed that with her running double knees. Sky finished Baszler off with the Over the Moonsault to earn the victory and advance to the semis.

Winner: Iyo Sky

The Judgement Day was in their locker room with Carlito, but Priest didn’t understand why he was there. Carlito said with Rhea Ripley out and Dom injured, J-Day could use the extra muscle. Priest did not want to hear it, telling Carlito he was not welcome there. Carlito didn’t argue back but said even the most stubborn minds can be changed and maybe one day they can all be amigos.

Chad Gable caught up with the Alpha Academy to tell Maxxine Dupri she was a disgrace in the Queen of the Ring tournament. So, he got some matches tonight for Alpha Academy to prove themselves again. Akira Tozawa will face Bronson Reed and Gable does not want to see any stupid dances. Otis will be facing Sami Zayn and Gable said he needs to win by all means necessary.

Ivy Nile then approached Dupri, she asked why she didn’t tell her about the QOTR and she could have helped her prepare. Dupri said Coach Gable said they are no longer allowed to train outside of the academy. Gable charged back to tell Dupri to stop chatting and go train or something. He also told Nile she has potential and should stop wasting her time with “Taylor not so Swift.”

Welcome back, Lillian! Credit: WWE

WWE was greeted with the presence of Hall of Fame ring announcer, Lillian Garcia! She was here to announce the next match.

King of the Ring Quarterfinal Match: Kofi Kingston vs. Gunther

Kingston attacked Gunther in the middle of his entrance with a dropkick and suicide dive before driving Gunther’s knee into the LED ring apron. The right knee was Kingston’s focus and he was all over it, driving it into the ring post and hitting a basement dropkick. Kingston then dove from the top rope onto Gunther with a leg drop and he went for another suicide dive, but this time Gunther caught him and threw him into the ring apron.

The Ring General moves on. Credit: WWE

Gunther was alive dropping Kingston spine-first onto anything imaginable and he locked Kingston into a Boston crab. The Ring General was in full control and he was toying with Kingston. However, Gunther decided to dive from the second rope and Kingston moved out of the way. He then hit Gunther with a diving crossbody from the top rope and an SOS. Now outside the ring, Kingston sent Gunther into the ring post and then connected with a Trouble in Paradise. He then brought Gunther back into the ring to attempt another Trouble in Paradise, but Gunther caught him and powerbombed him into the mat. Kingston somehow kicked out of that and Gunther instantly locked him into a Boston crab to get the victory.

Winner: Gunther

Jackie Redmond caught up with Lyra Valkyria to discuss why she helped Becky Lynch last week and her quarterfinal match tonight. Lynch even came to thank Lyra and told Jackie it’s the fighting Irish in them. Lyra was then approached by Liv Morgan, the number one contender for Lynch’s title, she wished Lyra luck and asked her if Becky has always been such a bit**. Lyra simply said why don’t you ask her yourself, Morgan turned around to see Becky who slapped her across the face.

Bronson Reed vs. Akira Tozawa w/Chad Gable

Tozawa was using his quickness, but he then did exactly what Gable told him not to and began to showboat. Reed then dropped him with a Death Valley Driver and hit a Tsunami to get the win.

Winner: Bronson Reed

Adam Pearce promised a big announcement about the World Tag Team Championships and it was time to make it. He announced a fatal-four-way to determine new number-one contenders for The Awesome Truth’s tag titles. New Catch Republic versus Authors of Pain versus Finn Bálor & JD McDonagh versus The Creed Brothers.

Jackie Redmond then asked Pearce why Bron Breakker was left out of the King of the Ring tournament, Pearce Bron has unlimited potential and Raw has so much talent that he did not want to throw Bron in the deep end. Just like that, Bron entered Pearce’s office and said if he was in the tournament his opponents would have been in the deep end with him, not vice versa. Bron said he would have made them all drown and he should have been in that tournament.

Queen of the Ring Quarterfinals Match: Zoey Stark vs. Lyra Valkyria

Valkyria was showcasing her skill early on, but Stark then side-stepped a dive from her and drove her onto the floor. Stark continued with a springboard missile dropkick, but Valkyria responded with a flurry of strikes and a diving dropkick through the middle rope. She then connected with a crossbody and tornado DDT. Stark did battle back with a superkick and a half-and-half suplex before suplexing her into the turnbuckle.

Valykria moves on. Credit: WWE

Stark thought she was closing in on a victory and went for the Z360, but Valkyria blocked and dropped Stark with the Night Wing to get the victory and advance. Valkyria will take on Iyo Sky in the semi-finals next week.

Winner: Lyra Valkyria

Sami Zayn vs. Otis w/Chad Gable

Otis was ordered to take out Zayn and he seemed to be following orders early, but he then too did exactly what Gable told him not to. He began to give into the crowd and wanted to attempt a Caterpillar, Gable got up on the apron to try and stop him. Otis however, did not listen and hit Zayn with a Caterpillar. He was fired up and then went for a springboard slam, but Zayn rolled out of the way. Zayn then hit the Helluva Kick to get the victory.

Winner: Sami Zayn

Following the match, Gable was berating Otis and shoving him around for this loss. So, Zayn ran to make the save hitting Gable with an exploder in the corner and then attempted a Helluva Kick, but Gable escaped the ring. Otis was trying to help Gable to the back, however, Gable did not want his help and slapped Otis across the face before demanding he follow him to the locker room.

Dakota Kai w/Damage Ctrl vs. Becky Lynch

Lynch was all over Kai early, driving her into the turnbuckles, hitting a baseball slide and connecting with a diving forearm. However, Damage Ctrl distracted Lynch, allowing Kai to take advantage and get control of the match. She delivered a stomp to the back of Lynch’s head driving her into the mat, but Lynch now began to battle back. She hit Kai with a diving leg drop from the second rope, however a pump kick from Kai connected not long after.

Kai made the mistake of going to the top rope and Lynch met her up there to deliver a suplex. Following that, Lynch locked in the Dis-Arm-Her and Damage Ctrl interfered in the match causing a disqualification. It was a three-on-one attack until Lyra Valkyria made the save to even the odds. The two Irish women were able to fight off Damage Ctrl, but Lynch was jumped from behind by Liv Morgan.

Morgan drove Lynch into the ring post before escaping the ring and avoiding Valkyria.

Winner: Becky Lynch via DQ

We need it. Credit: WWE

Ilja Dragunov was being interviewed by Jackie Redmond ahead of his quarterfinal match later tonight. He was talking about the match when he was greeted by his former rival and the man who already punched his ticket to the semi-finals, Gunther. We need this rematch.

World Tag Team Championship Number One Contenders Fatal Four Way Match: Judgement Day (Finn Bálor & JD McDonagh) vs. The Creed Brothers (Julius & Brutus) vs. New Catch Republic (Pete Dunne & Tyler Bate) vs. Authors of Pain (Akam & Rezar)

Dunne and Bate were manipulating McDonagh’s joints early in the match before the Creeds entered the ring to beat down McDonagh as well. AOP then jumped into the ring to take out all six of their opponents before launching McDonagh over the top rope onto all of the men outside the ring. As the match rolled on, Julius got the chance to showcase his skills, suplexing both Bálor and McDonagh at the same time. New Catch Republic hit AOP with two moonsaults on the outside and Julius dropped Bálor with a superplex.

Brutus took out several competitors with a Brutus Ball to the outside and Bate impressed everyone by giving Akam an airplane spin. Dunne was going to put McDonagh through the announce table when he was attacked from behind by Carlito and given a Backstabber. This allowed Bálor to roll Dunne back into the ring and steal the victory. Bálor and McDonagh are the number one contenders and Carlito is trying to work his way into the group.

Winners: Judgement Day (Finn Bálor & JD McDonagh)

Carlito celebrated with J-Day in their locker room and Priest told him what he did was cool. He also said Carlito has been talking about Rey Mysterio, so he needs to handle his business because they will be watching. Priest said J-Day doesn’t hang with people who don’t handle their business, so Carlito cannot let his amigos down.

King of the Ring Quarterfinal Match: Jey Uso vs. Ilja Dragunov

Uso and Dragunov were trading strikes to begin this match and Dragunov was landing some stiff chops before driving a knee into Uso’s chest. He then dove from the second rope with a knee drop and next wanted to go to the top rope, but Uso popped up and knocked him to the floor. Uso now dove through the ropes hitting Dragunov with a suicide dive. However, Uso could not keep Dragunov down as he chopped his way back into the match. He placed Uso on the announce table and dove from the barricade with an H-Bomb, but Uso rolled out of the way and then speared Dragunov over the table.

When they re-entered the ring both men were exchanging strikes and Uso came out with the advantage. He then delivered an enzigiri to Uso’s head, but Dragunov quickly responded with a boot of his own. That was followed by two German suplexes and Dragunov then spun through the ropes to hit Uso with a big clothesline. He continued with hammer chops to Uso’s chest and a flurry of kicks to his face. Uso managed to block another attack and hit Dragunov with two superkicks to the face.

A shock win from Jey Uso. Credit: WWE

Uso wanted the spear, but he ran into a knee from Dragunov and that was followed by a powerbomb. Dragunov now hit an H-Bomb and Uso somehow kicked out at two, so he went for a second H-Bomb, but this time he ran into a Spear. Uso then connected with the Uso Splash to get the victory.

Bad choice, the wrong man won. Uso goes on to face Gunther in the semi-finals next week.

Winner: Jey Uso

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