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Impact: The System have a broken celebration

Greetings and salutations! While Bob does Bob stuff, I’ll be reporting for TNA Impact. On this week’s show we have The System with a champions celebration as all members of the group are holding a title belt. We will also have a number 1 contender’s match for the TNA Tag Team Championship as ABC (Chris Bey & Ace Austin) will square off against Speedball Mountain (Mike Bailey & Trent Seven) We will also see the returning Jonathan Gresham in his new spooky gimmick. With all this and more, let’s get to a full night of wrestling.

We start things off with a recap of the TNA+ special, Under Siege.

The System has a celebration

The System comes to the ring for a championship celebration. Brian Myers kicked things off and told everyone to feast your eyes on the greatest faction in TNA Wrestling history. He also mentioned that each member of The System has a title right now. Myers said that they’ve all been winning titles their entire career so this should be no surprise. Myers says The System runs on gold, and they ARE a dynasty. Moose says he’s played on a lot of great teams, but The System is the greatest team of all time. Eddie Edwards says their accomplishments speak for themselves. He then congratulates his wife for winning her first Tag Team Knockouts championship. Alisha says she wants more flare and we see a hype video for The System.

Broken Matt Hardy is out and he gives kudos to The System for capturing more gold at Under Siege, but he also says that the war is far from over. Hardy says nothing is going to stop him from procuring the TNA Championship. He then adds that he now understands The System, and he knows what he must do to render The system Obsolete. Hardy says this isn’t the end; it’s only the beginning. Hardy calls Alisha a witch and tells her to shut up before she gets on Queen Rebecca’s radar. Moose reminds Hardy there are four of them and only one of him. Hardy says he doesn’t like their odds as he starts to attack The System with a chair. Matt gets over taken and Moose puts the chair on Hardy’s head and was going to taken him out the same way they did Nic Nemeth, but Ryan Nemeth makes the save with a kendo stick in hand.

A video plays recapping the X-Division Championship match between Mustafa Ali and Ace Austin at Under Siege. ABC are backstage with Gia Miller and Ace Austin says that tonight’s tag match isn’t going to come between them and he says that if someone had his back he’d be champ now. Chris Bey seems a bit unnerved. There are now issues between Austin and Bey, oh the drama.

Santino Marella is backstage and The System approach him and yell at him. They want something to be done to Matt Hardy and Ryan Nemeth. Marella says he’s about to make an announcement that will allow The System to get some revenge.

First Class (Rich Swann & AJ Francis) VS The FBI (Ray Jaz & Zack Clayton) w/ Guido

Swann and Jaz started the match but Jaz tagged in Clayton. Swann then tagged in Francis. Francis with a choke on Clayton on the ropes. Clayton was split from his partner and is able to finally get the hot tag to Jaz. Jaz clears house, but Francis takes him down. Francis with a chokeslam, followed by Swann with a Frog Splash for the win.

Winners: First Class

Santino Marella is backstage trying to get things done on the phone but is confronted by Jake Something and The Rascalz. Marella makes a tag team match between The Rascalz and Jake Something with a partner of his choosing. Cody Deaner quickly arrives and accepts the spot, and the match is official.

Alan Angels hosts the latest episode of Sound Check with Kon and Steph De Lander.  Angels says the two are dating, but De Lander says if he wants to have a talk show, he better check his facts. Kon gets annoyed and is ready to walk away, but Angels tries to stop him, and he and his security get attacked. Eventually, Kon and De Lander leave.

The Rascalz (Zachary Wentz & Trey Miguel) VS Jake Something & Cody Deaner

Deaner announced that per Santino Marella, this is now a Tornado match. Something and Deaner were firmly in control of the match, but Wentz with a hard kick on Deaner. The Rascalz separated Deaner from Soemthing. Something threw Miguel to the outside and tried to get momentum in the match, but The Rascalz cut him off and continued to attack him. The Rascalz Miguel with a 2-count as Something is back in the ring. Something hits Wentz with a Clothesline, followed by a splash onto Miguel. Wentz dives onto Something, but Something catches him and tosses him onto Miguel.

Something with a Power Bomb on Miguel, followed by Deaner hitting a Neckbreaker. Miguel takes a breather outside of the ring and Something followed him, but Miguel used spray paint to blind Something. Deaner eats a Double Stomp and both members of The Rascalz get the pin.

Winners: The Rascalz

After the match, Steve Maclin takes out The Rascalz. Maclin then reveals that he was the one who took out Trey Miguel at Under Siege

Backstage Maclin and Kazarian bickered. Kazarian said the issues between them and Josh Alexander and Eric Young were not over just yet, but Maclin thinks they are.

Mike Santana and Tom Hannifan have part 1 of a sit down interview that aired. We learned about Santana’s previous TNA run as a member of LAX and the death of his father at the beginning of 2020.

Ash by Elegance is Interviewed

Gabby LaSpica is in the ring and introduces Ash by Elegance. Gabby teases Ash for her name, Ash. Gabby asks Ash why she goes by the last name Elegance. Ash says it’s a lifestyle brand. Gabby says she doesn’t know what that means. Ash says this is the most classless interview she’s ever done and she’s going to leave. Gabby tried to apologize by airing a video of Ash attacking Havoc at Under Siege.

Gabby questions if Ash is so angry because of her loss to Xia Brookside a few weeks back. Ash says that’s why she’s upset, but it’s not because she lost., Ash said she was made because it was the referee who stole her jewelry causing her to lose. Gabby says she spoke to TNA management, she can get her jewelry back if she can beat Xia Brookside in a rubber match next week. Xia Brookside comes out and says they can have the rematch.

Footage airs of some of Joe Hendry talking to media and how his song is hitting top charts around the world.

Santino Marella announces that next week on TNA iMPACT, the main event will be where the champions face off against their respective challengers in a big tag team match.

Jonathan Gresham VS Will Ferrera

Gresham in his new spooky gimmick is all over Ferrara through the match. Gresham applied the heel hook after tying Ferrara’s arms. Ferrara tried to make a comeback, but Gresham hit a huge Dropkick to the knees. Ferrara hit an elbow to get our of a German Suplex, but Gresham took Ferrara down and focused his attack on his knees. Gresham began spitting up ink and applied the mandible claw on Ferrara for the win.

Winner: Jonathan Gresham

Gail Kim is at the Lotus Wellness Retreat and finds Gisele Shaw. Kim tells Shaw they need to talk…..

Speedball Mountain (Mike Bailey & Trent Severn) VS ABC (Ace Austin & Chris Bey)

Mustafa Ali joined the commentary team. After a very 50/50 match, all four men go at it in the middle of the ring. Seven and Bailey hit superkicks as ABC goes for a Too Sweet. Seven lands a huge Lariat on Austin, but Bey made the save to keep the match going. ABC  is in control and on the outside, but Bailey and Seven hit Stereo Suicide Dives to ringside on ABC. Bailey with a Tornado Kick on Bey, and goes to the top, but was pushed off by Austin. Austin climbed the top rope and landed a Fosbury Flop on Bailey at ringside.

Ali loved seeing that and approved of that message. Bey is looking to finish the match, but was taken out by Bey and Austin. Austin is in the ring and Seven hits a Burning Hammer, followed by Bailey hitting Ultima Weapon for the win.

Winners: Speedball Mountain

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