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TNA Impact: Hendry sings; Grace and Yamashita highlight

Joe Hendry sings on the May 2, 2024 edition of TNA Impact. TNA photo

Joe Hendry sings on the May 2, 2024 edition of TNA Impact. TNA photo

On the night before their Under Siege event, TNA presented an uneventful show. The two highlights for me were Joe Hendry’s “apology” segment and the main event of Jordynne Grace and Miyu Yamashita. AJ Francis, Top Dolla in WWE, was in the crowd with Bun B for most of the night. The rest was either boring with all the modern trappings or included bad comedy.

Mustafa Ali vs. Chris Bey w/ Ace Austin – X Division

After a highlight package for the System vs. Hardy and Speedball Mountain feud, Mustafa Ali and Chris Bey squared off. Ace Austin, who would fight for a title later in the show, was at ringside. This was a typical modern match, just a series of moves with no psychology or selling. Chris Bey hit an awesome coast-to-coast elbow and Ali kicked out at one. Ali also took an incredible bump into the bottom turnbuckle but was up within a few seconds. Ali won with help from his Secret Service.

Winner: Mustafa Ali

Alisha Edwards vs. Dani Luna – Jody Threat and Masha Slamovich at ringside.

Lars Frederickson, of Rancid, was on commentary for the match. He said he is a long-time friend of Jody Threat. Alisha Edwards delivered some good-looking elbows, but otherwise this was boring. Jody Threat overacted at ringside, which got instant heat with me. Masha Slamovich interfered with a great looking kick for the second interference finish in a row.

Winner: Alisha Edwards

Sami Calihan’s DMTV

This was weird. He held the camera too close to his face and rambled. Something about spitting on people and his thumbs.

Hammerstone vs. Cody Deaner

Cody Deaner came out and said he got permission from Santino Marella, who is the commissioner (?), to pick a stipulation for the match. Okay. He and Hammerstone debated what stipulation they should pick. Then it was a swerve, and the crowd picked the stipulation. It was a No DQ, Anything Goes match. This made no sense, and I am very tired of the No DQ matches in general.

Winner: Hammerstone

After the match, Jake Something ran in and did a dive towards Hammerstone. Only he completely missed him and fell on his face. They are fighting at Under Siege.

Joe Hendry Apology Performance

Hendry came out to apologize to AJ Francis. Bun B looked like he wanted to be anywhere. This was hilarious, though. Hendry played the guitar and covered three songs with his own lyrics. The highlight was him covering Creed’s Higher. He switched the words to “Can you please get fired.” Hilarious.

TNA is coming to the Verdun Auditorium; is this a sacrilege to Canadian Wrestling History?

Trey Miguel vs. Ace Austin – X Division Number One Contender Match

The winner will be facing Mustafa Ali at Under Siege. The highlight was Miguel’s interaction with the fans. He yelled, “I blew my knee out, but you can’t walk.” I do not know what that means, but I laughed. Ace won.

Winner: Ace Austin

Josh Alexander and Eric Young promo

This was a particularly good promo setting up their match tomorrow. They will face off with Steve Maclin and Frankie Kazarian.

Jordynne Grace vs. Miyu Yamashita – Women’s Title Match

This was the only good match on the show. No interference. No tables or chairs. Yamashita’s strikes looked great. Grace has a great look and plays her part in the match. They kept it simple, which was a plus. Good match.

Winner: Grace

Overall, I did not like the show. I was bored throughout, and it did not do anything to get me excited for Under Siege. There are worse shows on Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays, but this was bad.

TOP PHOTO: Joe Hendry sings on the May 2, 2024 edition of TNA Impact. TNA photo

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