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Dynamite: The best bout machine returns

Greetings and salutations! We are a week since Toly Khan was attacked by The Elite and on this week’s show we should be getting an update from Tony Khan himself as he has promised to announce who will be the top official while he is away. We also have Adam Copeland defending his TNT Title against a member of House of Black. We will also hear from the AEW Champion, Swerve Strickland. With all of this and more, let’s get straight to the action.

AEW Dynamite kicks off with All Elite Wrestling President Tony Khan live from Jacksonville and talks about running the show remotely. The Young Bucks disrupt the feed and say that they can’t be fired for last weeks attack because they have iron-clad contracts. They say they are in charge of the show now and run an Elite-centric opening…

The Champion Speaks…

AEW World Champion Swerve Strickland and Prince Nana are out and Swerve says he had three matches last week, and that’s the kind of champion he promised he was going to be, and that’s what all of the fans and the company deserves. He then says what AEW doesn’t need are selfish, power-hungry EVPs who think they can throw their weight around and call The Elite bitches for what they did to Tony Khan.

Swerve says he doesn’t know who his opponent is at Double or Nothing, but wants them to come out. The Young Bucks re-appear on the Khan-O-Tron and tell Serve that being champ has gotten to his head and they will introduce his opponent at Double or Nothing.

Christian Cage comes out with Killswitch, Nick Wayne, and Mama Wayne. Cage takes a mic but attacks Swerve. Swerve tries to fight back, but he is outnumbered and Cage hits him with a Kill Switch onto his own title. Nick Wayne hits Wayne’s World on Prince Nana. Cage says that he hasn’t forgotten about Swerve breaking into Nick Wayne’s gym and leaving him in a pool of his own blood and he hasn’t forgotten that he was left embarrassed at All In after Swerve lost them the match. Cage says that he will make Swerve the shortest AEW Champion. Cage says Swerve’s daughter will never want to know him, but he can be a father she’ll be proud of. Cage says the pain for Swerve has just begun. Killswitch grabbed one of Swerve’s braids and ripped it out of his head. Cage posed with the AEW Championship.

A House of Black video package aired and centered around which member will be challenging Adam Copeland for the TNT Title

Adam Copeland is out and the lights went out. Malakai Black is heard laughing and he says Copeland assumed he would be the one facing him, but messing with him mind is much more rewarding. Buddy Matthews is out……

TNT Championship: Adam Copeland VS Buddy Matthews

Copeland sent Matthews to ringside and then hit him with a suicide dive. Back in the ring, Both men went for running crossbody blocks, and they end up taking each other out. Matthews was bleeding from his mouth as he got checked up on by doctors.

Matthews got back up and attacked Copeland, but Copeland continues to control the match overall. Copeland sits Matthews on the top rope, but Matthews fought back and went for a sunset bomb, but Copeland avoided it. Matthews went for a superplex, but Copeland landed some hard punches on Matthews injured ribs. Copeland hit the Impaler DDT from the ropes for a 2-count. Matthews tried to fight back, and hit Copeland with a Knee Strike followed by a Jackhammer for a near fall of his own. Matthews locked in a Crossface, but Copeland gets out of it and hits Matthews with a Spear for the win.

Winner: AND STILL TNT Champion; Adam Copeland

After the match, Copeland continues to attack Matthews and sets him up for a Conchairto but the lights go out. When they come back on. Malakai Black is in the ring and tells Copeland to do it. Copeland is about to go for it, but the lights go out again and when they came back, Copeland is left alone in the ring.

Samoa Joe VS Isiah Kassidy

Kassidy grabbed the towel from Joe’s corner and put it around his own neck and mocked Joe. Joe poked Kassidy’s eye and tosses him around the ring. Kassidy Clotheslined Joe over the top rope and went for a flip dive, but Joe avoids it. Kassidy went for a monkey flip, but Joe turned Kassidy around and hit the Muscle Buster for the win.

Winner: Samoa Joe

A video package plays for Skye Blue. Blue challenges Willow Nightingale for a match on tonight’s Rampage.

Orange Cassidy Speaks about Chuck…

Orange Cassidy is out and said that he hoped after the parking lot fight that he, Trent Beretta, and Chuck Taylor would all come back together as Best Friends. Cassidy said that is not going to happen and that he was told after that fight, Chuck Taylor will never wrestle again. Orange talks about Trent Beretta, but he’s interrupted by him. Cassidy goes to attack him, but security and Kris Statlander hold him back. Don Callis comes out and whispers in Cassidy’s ear and walks to the back with him. Beretta does a Cassidy thumb up…

Matthew and Nicholas Jackson are backstage with Renee Paquette. The Young Bucks say they don’t really have time to talk right now because they are trying to find Kenny Omega. The Bucks pass the buck to Jack Perry, who appears. Perry says he meant what he said last week and only wants the best for AEW. Perry said that Tony Khan made him a scapegoat andit hurt him, but he accepted it because it needed to be done for AEW. Perry says AEW is heading into a new era with The Elite leading the way.

FTW Rules match: Chris Jericho VS Katsuyori Shibata

After an early advantage by Jericho, he grabbed a black bag from under the ring and dumped its contents which was a bunch of Winnipeg Jets hockey pucks. Shibata dumped Jericho on the pucks and then followed that up with a hard Suplex on the pucks. The two trade tons of chops. Jericho caught Shibata in the Walls of Jericho, but Shibata escaped by rolling through and applying a Figure Four. Jericho grabbed one of the pucks and threw it at Shibata’s face.  Jericho tossed a trashcan inside the ring and put it over the head of Shibata and then hit the can several times with a Kendo Stick.

Shibata grabbed a pair of kendo sticks and tossed one to Jericho. Shibata sat down and then Jericho did the same, then they proceeded to go one for one with Kendo Sticks on each other. Shibata then out a stick between Jericho’s legs and then hoisted him up and dumped him on the pucks. Shibata went to ringside and pulled out a table, and set it up in the corner. Shibata ran towards Jerichi, but Jericho hit a Codebreaker for a 2-count.

As Shibata had Jericho where he wanted him, Big Bill came out and hit Shibata with a big boot, then Choke Slammed Shibata through the table and onto some the pucks. Bill left and Jericho went for the cover and the win.

Winner: And STILL FTW Champion Chris Jericho

Willow Nightingale, Kris Statlander, and Stokely Hathaway are backstage. Statlander apologizes for what happened last week. Nightingale accepts Skye Blue’s challenge for Rampage later. The Young Bucks interrupt via text message and said that Statlander and Hathaway are banned from ringside for her title match.

Claudio Castagnoli VS Brian Cage

Cage caught Castagnoli on the ropes and deadlifted Castagnoli while standing on the ropes and proceeded to hit a Superplex. Cage put Castagnoli down with a Lariat for a 2-count. Castagnoli came back and hit Cage with a 619, followed by a Lariat for a 2-count of his own. Later in the match, Castagnoli does the Giant Swing and locked Cage in a Sharpshooter for the win.

Winner: Claudio Castagnoli

Rocky Romero is backstage with Renee Paquette and says he doesn’t side with Trent Beretta or Orange Cassidy. Romero says he’s told them all he’s done with it, and his new focus is to become a champion in All Elite Wrestling. Rocky challenges Kyle O’Reilly to a match later.

Serena Deeb VS Mariah May (w/ Toni Storm and Luther)

Deeb put May in the a Paradise Lock. May fought back, but Deeb came right back and hit a Neckbreaker, followed by a German Suplex on May. Deeb hit May with a Clothesline for a 2-count. Deeb went for a Figure Four, but May with a kick. May then hit a missile dropkick and a Hip Attack for a 2-count of her own. May continued the attack on Deeb as she hit a Running Knee for another near fall. Deeb comes back, but May hit her with a Suplex.

May charges Deeb, and Deeb with a Elbow sending May to the corner. May went for a handstand, but Deeb counters it and drops May, then locks in a Single leg crab. May crawled toward the ropes, but Deeb pulled her back to the middle of the ring and slammed May’s knee on the mat. Storm threw in the towel.

Winner: Serena Deeb

After the match, a graphic showed Storm vs. Deeb for the AEW Women’s Championship at AEW Double Or Nothing.

Adam Copeland is backstage and says he is fine. Kyle O’Reilly comes in and tells Copeland if he ever needs backup against House of Black, he can be there. Copeland says he appreciated that sentiment and wished him luck later tonight on Rampage against Rocky Romero.

Kenny Omega is Back

Omega says he’s never been good at this sort of stuff while talking about injuries and sicknesses. Omega says a few months back, he was diagnosed with diverticulitis and was told by doctors he was 24 hours away from dying. Omega pushes how serious his injury is. Omega said he was scared and thought that maybe he would have to come out there and announce his retirement.

Kenny says he watched Dynasty and started shaking  because he was going through withdrawals. Kenny says he made a promise to himself and a promise to all of his fans, this isn’t over until he tries every option.

Omega then calls out Matthew and Nicholas Jackson for embarrassing themselves. Kenny says he might be fired from The Elite, but they can’t fire him as an EVP. Kenny says until he’s told differently, part of the power in this company belongs to the Best Bout Machine. Kazuchika Okada is out and the two go face-to-face in the middle of the ring.

Omega asks Okada to give him a few months, and the two of them will settle things in an AEW. Okada says he’s sorry, but he’s the Best Bout Machine now. Jack Perry attacks Omega from behind, but Omega manages to fight him off and hit him with a Dragon Suplex and went for a V-Trigger, but Okada trips him. Perry then hits Omega with a steel chair in the stomach. The Young Bucks come out and pretend to be mad at Perry and Okaga, but they end up hitting Omega with an EVP Trigger. FTR comes out to chase off The Elite to end the show.

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