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Dynamite: A Rhodes and a Samoan Joe square off

Greetings and Salutations! The internet has been buzzing about this episode of Dynamite as the main attraction is that The Young Bucks will air footage from All In. No one knows what this will be, but Tony Khan assures us it’s not a swerve. Also on the show, AEW World Champion Samoa Joe will face Dustin Rhodes in an Eliminator match. Also, Adam Copeland will defend the TNT Championship against Penta El Zero Miedo. With all this and more, let’s get to the action!

AEW World Champion Samoa Joe comes out for his Elminator match against Dustin Rhodes. Swerve attacks Joe and they brawl until Strrickland tackles Joe through a table. Officials check on Joe.

They show highlights of Trent Beretta turning on Orange Cassidy last week. Renee Paquette says that Cassidy will have a match on AEW Rampage, and he will address Beretta at that time on Friday.

TNT Championship: Adam Copeland vs. Penta El Zero Miedo (with Alex Abrahantes)

Penta hits a diving stomp and then Clotheslines Copeland over the ropes. Back in the ring, Penta with some chops on Copeland. The two end up back outside at ringside where Copeland rallies and finally gets the momentum on his side. Back in the ring, Copeland grounds Penta, and then performs a Headscissors. Copeland and Penta go back and forth and end up taking each other out with a Double Kick. The two trade strikes and Copeland ends up back outside of the ring.

Penta with a dive onto Copeland that keep Copeland down as the ref counts to 10. Copeland makes it back into the ring at the 9-count, and Penta goes right back to work on Copeland until Copeland kicks Penta and then does a Backbreaker for a 2-count. Copleland continues the attack as he hits Penta with a Facebuster. Copeland locks in a submission, but Penta escapes.

Penta kicks Copeland in the corner, but Copeland locks in a Crossface. Penta manages to reach the ropes for the break. Copeland hits a Powerslam on Penta, then Copeland attempts a Spear, but Penta avoids it and Copeland hits Abrahantes. Penta hits a Code Red and then snaps Copeland’s arm. Copeland hits a Spear in mid-air for the win.

Winner and still TNT Champion: Adam Copeland

The lights go out. They come back on, and Brody King attacks Copeland after a distraction from Julia Hart. King chokes Copeland and its Willow Nightingale who runs in and brawls with Hart. Copeland fights off King. Nightingale helps Copeland up

Backstage, Chris Jericho, HOOK, and Katsuyori Shibata chat with Renne Paquette. Jericho says he appreciates how HOOK brought Shibata in and then he lays out a plan for the match. Jericho says they will be successful if they listen to him. Using a translation app on his phone, Shibata asks HOOK what Jericho’s deal is and says he likes Renee Paquette’s necklace.

A video package recaps FTR’s feud with the Young Bucks leading into the Tag Team Championship tournament finals.

Backstage, ROH World Champion Mark Briscoe and Eddie Kingston talk about their match from Friday at ROH Supercard of Honor. Adam Copeland walks in and asks them if they’re good for AEW Destiny Willow Nightingale and Copeland agree to team up next week.

Young Bucks with All In Footage…

The Young Bucks are backstage, and they say they have a big pay-per-view coming up (AEW Dynasty). Nicholas recounts that there is still old wounds. Matthew says there was an incident involving two individuals, including “the Scapegoat”, Jack Perry. He says Perry reminds them of themselves. They refer to CM Punk as friends with FTR. Nicholas wonders if FTR were the masterminds of the entire situation. Matthew Jackson says the backstage incident threw them off their rhythm before their match with FTR and there should be an asterisk next to FTR’s win at AEW All In. Matthew says the incident itself is like a high-school scrap but the heat it al brough threatened to take down AEW’s biggest show of all time, but it didn’t. They show the footage.

Matthew says the worst part was they created a historic show with a historic crowd but getting distracted by something so stupid and losing.

FTR Responds…

FTR comes to the ring and questions why they’re talking about this still as they are  tired of hearing about it. Cash Wheeler says they’re doing some of their best shows ever, but they’re showing clips from eight months ago. Wheeler says they have to beat the Young Bucks because he’s sick of the Bucks. Harwood admits that AEW would not exist without the Young Bucks and he loves that any win they have against them (The Bucks) makes them angry because FTR has surpassed them to become the best tag-team in the world. Harwood says the Young Bucks lost their way, and now they only care about being EVPs. Harwood says this is about AEW, and this is about the AEW World Tag Team Championship and only one team will walk out of AEW Dynasty as the first three-time champions. Harwood says the Young Bucks may have built the foundation, but FTR will put the roof on the place.

A Bran Danielson video airs with a message to Will Ospreay.

Will Ospreay has something to say…

Will Ospreay comes to the stage and addresses the rumours that he is “afraid of the grind”. Ospreay goes through his resume and says he’s all passion. Ospreay of course has to take a shot at Triple H and says he was “grinding” on the boss’ daughter and that’s why he is in the position he’s in. Ospreay turns his attention to Danielson and says that he is looking forward to his match against Bryan Danielson and says he will not be able to call himself the best until he beats Danielson. Ospreay says AEW is where the best wrestle, and he is the ace. He says he is on another level.

TBS Champion Julia Hart talk abut her match with Willow Nightingale and says she will turn her smile into a frown. She says her destiny is to keep the title, and the house always wins.

Chris Jericho, HOOK & Katsuyori Shibata vs. Shane Taylor Promotions (Shane Taylor, Lee Moriarty & Anthony Ogogo)

Chris Jericho and Moriarty start us out. Jericho gets control of the match fort his team, but Shibata tags himself in and drills Moriarty with some stiff shots. Shane Taylor is in and goes one-on-one with Shibata. HOOK tags in and takes the fight right to Shane Taylor, but Taylor hits HOOK with a Clothesline. Ogogo tags in and keeps HOOK away from his team. Taylor tags in and slams HOOK. HOOK rallies and hits a huge Suplex. HOOK slowly makes his way to his team and gets the hot tag to Shibata who clears house. Moriarty take sthe fight to Shibata. Shibata with a boot, bit Agogo moves out of the way and it’s Jericho who gets hit with the Boot. HOOK and Jericho argue at ringside, whilke Moriarty slams Shibata and gets the pin.

Winners: Shane Taylor Promotions (Shane Taylor, Lee Moriarty & Anthony Ogogo)

HOOK and Jericho continue to argue. HOOK tells Jericho to leave….HOOK checks on Shibata.

Backstage, Renee Paquette says Samoa Joe is cleared, so his match against Dustin Rhodes is still on. Rhodes gets fired up and talks about grit and work ethic to hype the main event.

Kazuchika Okada vs. Cristiano Argento

Okada takes control right away and controls the match. Okada with a Dropkick and a Rainmaker.

Winner: Kazuchika Okada

After the match, Kazuchika Okada calls out PAC and accepts his challenge to a match at AEW Dynasty. PAC comes out, but Young Bucks attack him. FTR makes the save, and they brawl with the Young Bucks. Okada grabs a chair and attacks Harwood with it. The Bucks superkick FTR and hit the EVP trigger, while Okada with a chair shot to PAC.

Backstage, Bullet Club Gold (Jay White and the Gunns) talka but their winning ways. White says he feels like beating Billy Gunn up again, but Gunn wouldn’t survive it, so he wants to face someone else.

Thunder Rosa comes to the stage for a toast with AEW Women’s World Champion Toni Storm. Storm throws champagne in Rosa’s face and attacks her while also wiping the paint off Rosa’s face. Deonna Purrazzo runs in for the save.

Anna Jay vs. Mariah May

Jay and May go back and forth. May gains the upper with a Handstand Headscissors. The match ends up outside of the ring for a bit until May has control. Back in the ring, she attacks Jay with a barrage of offense, until Jay makes a comeback and strikes May. May makes a sneaky roll-up for the win.

Winner: Mariah May

Jay attacks May after the bell until STARDOM’s Mina Shirakawa runs in for the save. Shirakawa gets some champagne and gives Mariah some along with a smooch to May. They celebrate.

Mercedes Mone Sit-down interview

Mercedes Mone is interviewed, and she explains why she is going after the TBS Championship at AEW Double or Nothing. Mone then gets emotional as she reflects on her injury in her match against Nightingale but she maintains that she has a plan. The lights go out, and when they come back up Mone is on the floor as someone attacked her.

AEW World Championship Eliminator: Samoa Joe vs. Dustin Rhodes

Rhodes attacks Joe, but Joe overpowers him and slams him into the barricade on the outside of the ring. Joe then tosses Rhodes into the ring pos. Rhodes is now bleeding and Joe targets that. Joe dominates Rhodes, but Rhodes with a brief comeback that includes a Powerslam. Joe and Rhodes go back and forth and Rhodes catches Joe with some strikes and a Bionic Elbow. Rhodes with a low blow for a 2-count. Back at ringside, Rhodes slams Joe into the ring post. Rhodes gets the world title belt but decides not to use it. Back in the ring, Rhodes hits a Cross Rhodes for a 2-count. The referee isn’t looking and Joe hits Dustin with the title for the win.

Winner: Samoa Joe

Joe attacks Rhodes after the bell. Swerve Strickland runs in and continues his attack on Joe from earlier. Swerve grabs a chain and punches Joe, but Joe makes an escape. The two are separated by Officials as the show ends with Joe holding his title.

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