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Former WWE superstars debut at Wrestling Revolver WhataShow

For the first time ever Wrestling Revolver walked with Elijah. The nomading minstrel wasn’t the only former WWE superstar though to debut at tonight’s WhataShow. Former Maximum Male Model, Mansoor, also wrestled his first match for the promotion taking on AEW’s “Bounty Hunter” Bryan Keith.

The Grizzled Young Veterans successfully defended their newly-won Wrestling Revolver World Tag Team Championships outsmarting the team of MonsterSauce (Lance Archer & Alex Zayne).

Alex Shelley took on three challengers to retain the Revolver World Championship. He defeated Alan Angels, JD Griffey and Exodus Prime in the main event of the evening.

Wrestling Revolver WhataShow Results

Chris Bey versus Lio Rush

A great match-up of two of the most agile wrestlers in the ring today. The crowd is split evenly in their support. Bey puts up his knees blocking Rush Hour. He rolls up Lio for the win. Rush and Bey share a “too sweet” after the match.

Winner: Chris Bey

Matthew Palmer versus VertVixen

Palmer is accompanied by Alex Shelly, the Revolver World Champion. Palmer is wearing a throwback ‘No MA’AM’ t-shirt worn by Al Bundy in Married with Children. Vert not only chops him over the ropes to the floor but over the guardrail into the front row. Vert goes for the Pedigree but Shelly grabs her leg. Vert tells Palmer to “Suck it!” and finally lands the Pedigree. Shelley puts Palmer’s leg on the ropes breaking the count. Shelley slides his championship belt into the ring. Palmer clocks Vert in the head with it. He is disqualified.

Winner: VertVixen

An angry Sami Callihan arrives on the scene. He doesn’t like how things went down. He demands a new match between the two.

Matthew Palmer versus VertVixen

Vert slams Palmer off the top rope pinning him with a crossbody.

Winner: VertVixen

RoH Women’s Champion and Palmer’s wife, Athena, storms down to the ring.

She yells: You put YOUR hands on MY man?

She attacks Vert. Vert drops her with a Pedigree.

Brick Savage versus Jake Something

Knock. Knock. Who’s there? Brick Savage. Courtesy: TrillerTv/Fite.

The Unit has paid for Something’s services, apparently. Phil Stamper escorts Something to the ring. A battle of the bulls between two powerhouses. Savage gets powerbombed between two chairs but kicks out. Something retrieves a door from under the ring. Savage ends the tug of war over the door by punching his fist through it. Something is chokeslammed through the door but kicks out. Something low-blows Savage pinning him with his Into the Void slam. Something wants nothing to so with Stamper as they head to the back victorious.

Winner: Jake Something

Mike “Speedball” Bailey versus Elijah

Elijah looks the same as he did in WWE. He starts out the match running across the ring and kicking Bailey out of his boots and one-arm slamming him across the ring. Speedball dives out of the ring at Elijah. Elijah catches him and then slamming him into the guardrail.

Someone yells at Elijah: “Thank you for NOT singing tonight!”. Funny that.

Elijah kicks out of Speedball’s Ultimate Weapon. Speedball tries a shooting star press. Elijah puts up his knees. He gets a two count. His spinning slam gets the same result. Speedball pins him with a small package.

Elijah holds up Speedball’s hand in victory then pulls a Paul Orndorff clotheslining him. He stomps on Speedball before hurling him out of the ring like a bag of laundry.

Winner: Mike “Speedball” Bailey

Los Desperados (Gringo Loco and Arez) versus The Rascalz (Trey Miguel and Zachary Wentz) – Lucha Street Fight

The Rascalz put Arez on the guardrail and drop kick a steel chair into his face. Miguel hits Arez in the face with a fan’s replica belt. Arez gets DDTed on a concession stand table by Miguel. The table doesn’t break. Arez piledrives Miguel on a table. The Rascalz pin Arez with a double stomp from the top rope and a slam through a door set across two chairs.

Winners: The Rascalz (Trey Miguel and Zachary Wentz)

Mansoor versus “Bounty Hunter” Bryan Keith

Mansoor debuts in Wrestling Revolver. Courtesy: TrillerTv/Fite.

Mansoor his hilarious during this match. It is odd that WWE never capitalized on that with him. Mansoor’s gimmick is that he is hero for the common man. He even asks fans to hold up the autograph pictures he has signed for them. A shoulder tackle from Keith knocks the crap out of Mansoor. Keith retrieves one of the autographed pictures ripping it into pieces right in front of Mansoor’s face. He also rakes one of them over Mansoor’s forehead. Keith pins Mansoor with a Tiger Driver.

Winner: “Bounty Hunter” Bryan Keith

Masha Slamovich versus Marina Shafir

A hard-hitting, MMA style match with lots of counters, submissions, kicks, punches and strikes. Marina is her usual sloppy self. They both connect with roundhouse kicks. Both are knocked out. The referee calls the match. The fans boo. Slamovich demands another five more minutes. Shafir says: “F–k no!” and leaves the ring.

Winner: No Contest

There was a delay during the show and the broadcast on Triller/Fite cut to a static even title screen. Wrestling Revolver promoter, owner Sami Callihan explained the situation:

Grizzled Young Veterans (c) vs MonsterSauce (Lance Archer & Alex Zayne) – Revolver World Tag Team Championships Match

MonsterSauce snag the belts and begins parading around with them. Archer really plays well with the crowd getting them into the match. Gibson gets into Archer’s face. Archer no-sells a forearm to the face. Archer mauls Gibson in a corner. Gibson hits the canvass hard after a haymaker from Archer. Zayn goes down hard after a forearm from Drake knocks him off the apron. GYV double-team Zayne on the floor. Zayne is cut off from Archer. GYV beat him senselessly until Archer tags in. He just bulldozes GYV. Zayn fights out of an electric chair but Gibson blocks MonsterSauce’s rocket launcher. Gibson grabs one of the championship belts. The official is tangled up with him. Drake hits Archer in the back with a steel chair. Archer barely flinches. Archer rips the chair out of Drake’s hands. Drake immediately falls to the mat. The official turns around. He DQs MonsterSauce. Archer makes Drake pay with a Blackout in the middle of the ring. Archer takes to the mike. He promises that MonsterSauce will defeat GYV and take those tag team championships.

Winners: …and still Wrestling Revolver World Tag Team Champions, Grizzled Young Veterans.

Alex Shelley (c) vs Alan Angels vs JD Griffey vs Exodus Prime – Wrestling Revolver World Championship Match

In kind of a clusterf–k of a match, Shelley retains when Angels punches Palmer off the apron. Shelley gives Exodus a mule kick to the “lower abdomen” pinning him with a small package.

Winner: …and still Wrestling Revolver World Champion, Alex Shelley.

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