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ROH: The ROH Board is formed

Greetings and salutations. It’s time to read about all that happened on this week’s episode of ROH TV. Without further ado, let’s get to it.

Kyle Fletcher VS Christopher Daniels

Fun back and forth match that was really meant to establish Kyle Fletcher as a singles wrestler. Fletcher counters an STO and goes for a piledriver but Daniels with a counter of his own into a cradle. Daniel’s goes for the Angel’s Wings but Fletcher fights out and hits a Spinning Piledriver for the win.

Winner: Kyle Fletcher

Matt Sydal VS Zack Clayton (w/ Cole Karter)

This was a sub 4 minute match. The end saw Sydal reverse a Powerslam with a DDT  and then goes to the top and hits a Meteoria for the win.

Winner: Matt Sydal

After the match, Sydal calls out ROH TV champion, Samoa Joe and challenges him to a match later down the road. Joe accepts.

Dralistico (w/ Jose the Assistant) defeated Willie Mack

Very good match that lasted about 8 minutes. Mack catches Dralistico with a beauty Pop-Up Fallaway Slam. Mack hits Dralistico with a Standing Moonsault. Mack eventually catches Dralistico with a Pop-Up Uppercut. Jose goes to distract the ref and Dralistico hits a Low Blow on Mack and followed it up with a Incinerator Knee, and got the win.

Winner: Dralistico

Tony Khan with an Announcement

It wouldn’t be an AEW-ish show without an announcement from Tony Khan. Khan announces that Sydal versus Joe for the TV title is official for next week. He then announces the ROH Board of Directors to help him with ROH. Stokely Hathaway and Jerry Lynn come out and they are the authority in ROH.

NJPW Strong Women’s Championship: Willow Nightingale(c) VS Rachel Ellering

Ellering with a Black Hole Slam on  Nightingal for a nearfall. Nightingale came right back with a huge pounce on Ellering sending her to the corner. Nightingale follows this up with a cannonball in the corner. Nightingale caught Ellering with a spinebuster, then locked in a Camel Clutch to get the win!

Winner: AND STILL NJPW Strong Women’s Champion; Willow Nightingale

Proving Ground match for the ROH Six-Man Championship: The Embassy (Brian Cage & The Gates of Agony) VS Cheeseburger, Eli Isom & Marcus Cross

CB is in the corner and Khan goes for a Splash but misses and CB gets the hot tag. All 6 men hit the ring but Cage and the Gates of Agony dominate their opponents. Cage and Tanga Loa tossed Isom into a power bomb from Bishop Khan. Khan gets the pinfall win for his team.

Winner: The Embassy (Brian Cage & The Gates of Agony)

Mercedes Martinez VS VertVixen

Vertvixen with the momentum but Martinez sends her opponent to the corner and charges at her and connects with a vicious Forearm. Martinez with a Anarchist’s Suplex for a nearfall. Martinez continues her attack and elbows Vertvixen in the back of the head and locks in an inverted surfboard, forcing Vertvixen to tap.

Winner: Mercedes Martinez

Lee Moriarty VS Griff Garrison

Garrison tried to pick Moriarty up for an Angle Slam, but Moriarty raked Garrison’s eyes and rolled him up for the win.

Winner: Lee Moriarty

Kiera Hogan VS Robyn Renegade

Charlette Renegade (not her twin) ran in to help, and Hogan dropped to the floor to take them both out, then brought one of the Renegades back in the ring and hit a Superkick to end the quick match.

Winner: Kiera Hogan

After the match, Athena attacked Hogan with a Kendo Stick. Hogan comes back and grabs the stick running Athena out. Hogan lifts Athena’s belt that she left behind in her haste.

Dark Order (Evil Uno, Jon Silver & Alex Reynolds) VS Shane Taylor and The WorkHorsemen (JD Drake & Anthony Henry)

Uno hit a suplex on Henry for a nearfall. Taylor and Uno trade punches. Drake hits Taylor by accident with a bog boot. Uno hit Henry with a Sky High. The Dark Order gave Henry a triple team windmill slam. Reynolds and Silver hit the Rapid-Fire for the win.

Winner: Dark Order (Evil Uno, Jon Silver & Alex Reynolds)

After the match, The Righteous with Stu Grayson are interviewed by Dash. They don’t care for the Dark Order and a match is set for next week. What side will Stu Grayson be on?!?!?!??!

AR Fox, Darius Martin & Action Andretti VS The Trustbusters (Sonny Kiss, Slim J and Jeeves Kay)

Kiss hit a spinning kick on Martin. Daivari with an assisted slice break, and goes to the top for a big splash for a 2-count. AR Fox was eventually tagged in and hit a couple of cutters, then Martin and Andretti hit a double steam slam on Daivari to get the win.

Winners: AR Fox, Darius Martin & Action Andretti

The Kingdom (Mike Bennett & Matt Taven) (w/ Maria Kanellas) VS El Cobarde & El Dragon

With Bennett bleeding, Cobarde and Dragon try to take advantage but Bennett powers through. Bennett and Taven win with a Proton Pack.

Winners: The Kingdom (Mike Bennett & Matt Taven) (w/ Maria Kanellas)

The ROH Board have an announcement. Hathaway wanted  Action Andretti vs. the entire Embassy. Jerry Lynn talks to Tony Khan and we get an an ROH Six-Man title match with the Embassy against Andretti, AR Fox, and Darius Martin for next week.

Rey Fenix (w/ Alex Abrahantes) VS Gravity

Gravity with a deadlift of Fenix that turned into a Powerbomb for a nearfall.  Gravity heads to the top and goes for a Splash but misses. Fenix ran the ropes to give Gravity a kick to the head for another nearfall of his own. Gravity hit a crucifix driver for yet another nearfall. Fenix and Gravity trade heavy handed chops in the middle of the ring but Fenix wins this round. Fenix then hits the Pop-up Cutter and followed it up with a Sit-out Tombstone for the win. AMAZING main event.


ROH: June 8, 2023

2+ hours and 12 matches. Most matches were Sub 5 minutes. I will keep saying it that if ROH only kept it to 60 minutes with meaningful story progression, this show would be hot. Alas, it is not meant to be this week. Maybe next. Oh and the main event was a BANGER!

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