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Slam Wrestling Awards 2022: Best of Impact

2022 was a crazy year. There was the whole backstage brawl situation at AEW, which is still playing out and lo and behold…Vince McMahon resigned from the WWE.

Looking back at the best and the worst of 2022 we will be announcing our winners each and every day until New Years day during which we will reveal our picks for the best of the best of 2022.

We want your voices to be heard too! When we announce each of our daily picks you can make yours as there will be a poll on those pages.

The results will be tallied and your choices will be published on Slam Wrestling as the Readers’ Choice Awards in January.

So, check back daily for our picks so you can make your picks too!

2022 Nominees

Best Male

Josh Alexander
“Speedball” Mike Bailey

Best Female

Jordynne Grace
Masha Slamovich
Chelsea Green

Best Impact Tag Team Male

Motor City Machine Guns
Violent By Design (Eric Young, Deaner, Joe Doering)
Matt Taven & Mike Bennett

Best Impact Tag Team Female

Death Dollz (Rosemary, Taya Valkyrie, Jessicka)
Chelsea Green & Deonna Purrazzo
The Iinfluence (Jessie McKay & Cassie Lee)

Slam Vote

Reader Poll

Best Impact Tag Team – Male

Best Impact Female

Best Impact Male

Worst Impact Female Tag Team

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