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Dynamite: Daniel Garcia has a lot on his mind, A Lumberjack match, and an ROH Title match take center stage

Greetings and Salutations all. Another week and another promotion for my weekly Slam Reports. This week I am pleased to write my first Dynamite report. We are in a new era with a new World Champion, Tag Team Champion, and ROH Champion. We are a week removed from their biggest Dynamite of the year and several weeks from a PPV so it will be interesting to see what stories are being set up. Side note, I am watching with extreme curiosity as AEW will be making its Canada and Toronto debut in two weeks on October 12.

If you are in the area and even if you are not going to the show be sure to Join myself and the rest of the Sunday Nights Main Event crew along with The Handshaking Team, and Dark Side of the Elite at The Rhino bar at 1249 Queen St West from 1-6PM for a celebration of wrestling which will include prizes, special guest appearances, and so much more!

The show kicked off with the Dynamite opening video which has been updated to include Saraya but there is still no sign of CM punk, Kenny Omega, or the Young Bucks. As usual, Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, and Taz were on commentary and they welcomed us to the show. We got right into things as “Judas” blasts through the arena.

Chris Jericho ROH Championship Celebration with the Jericho Appreciation Society

Chris Jericho, Sammy Guevara, Matt Menard, Angelo Parker, Daniel Garcia, Tay Melo, and Anna Jay all came out with matching purple suits on. As they came out Luigi Primo was in the ring tossing some dough in the air and the ring was set up with balloons and a table with gifts.

Parker started the show off with by telling the fans to appreciate the Jericho Appreciate Society while calling Philadelphia a city of losers. Parker then mentioned that Primo is making New York style pizza which made the crowd send some boos their way. Ana Jay then introduced Jericho as the greatest ROH Champion of all-time.

Jericho asked the crowd if they wanted pizza and then quickly said that they cant have any. Jericho then said that he is the most watched ROH champion of all time because no one knows what ROH even is. Jericho said that he is fighting Bandido later and that Bandido is a helluva talent and deserves a rematch at the ROH championship but he reminded everyone that Sports Entertainer beats a wrestler every single time.

Jericho then put his attention to the JAS as he had a gift for Daniel Garcia. Jericho passed Garcia a box and it was revealed to be a bucket hat which Jericho put on his head. Garcia was none to pleased and threw the box down and punched Luigi. Garcia then grabbed a mic and said that this isn’t at all what he envisioned when he came a wrestler and has tolerated it so far but he’s had enough. Garcia is looking clearly upset and said that he had something to tell Jericho. As Garcia started talking, Jericho grabbed the mic to stop Garcia and said that he really needs to think of the next words he says. Jericho then asked Garcia if he’s a wrestler or a sports entertainer. The Phili crowd spoke for everyone as they chanted “You’re a wrestler”

As things are looking extra tense with JAS, Bryan Danielson’s music hits and is out with William Regal. Danielson made his way to the ring with a mic and told Garcia that he respects and he’s a grown man that can do whatever he wants. Danielson told Garcia that he could stay with the JAS or join the Blackpool Combat Club. Jericho interrupted and told Danielson that he’s tired of Danielson trying to poach his guys while claiming Garcia belongs to him.

Garcia then said that he belongs to no one. Garcia had hypothetical entertaining questions to the crowd including whether he should team up with Justin Roberts. He then asked the crowd if he should team up with Danielson. The fans loudly chanted “Yes” to that. Garcia then said it would be entertaining if he and Danielson teamed up against Jericho and Guevara. Menard began to yell at Garcia and Danielson saying he should punch them in their mouths. Danielson said that he is allowed to have a match with anyone so he proposed “The entertainer versus the heart of pro wrestling”

Bryan Danielson vs Matt Menard W/ Angelo Parker

Menard pushed Danielson to start things and this was responded to quickly with uppercuts. Danielson then hit some kicks on Menard who was saved by Parker as he pulled him to the outside. Danielson followed them outside and ended up being pushed to the post and got a DDT from Parker while Menard distracted the referee.

Parker rolled Danielson back into the ring and took a powerbomb from Menard for a two count. Claudio Catagnoli came out and attacked Parker outside of the ring and dragged him out the ring area to ensure a fair match. Meanwhile in the ring, Danielson locked in the LeBell Lock on Menard for the win.

Winner: Bryan Danielson

We get a video recap of the MJF/Wheeler Yuta confrontation last week that included Shiavone being pushed to the ground.

MJF was supposed to have a promo segment but Wheeler Yuta came out with no pageantry. Yuta said that him and MJF have a problem right now. Yuta said that its not the attack on him but the fact he put his hands on Shiavone. Yuta said that he wanted a match with MJF but that he likes to hide behind his groups including The Pinnacle, Inner Circle and now his hired goons in The Firm. Yuta called out MJF for the ass whooping he deserves.

MJF came out wearing a NY Mets jersey and said that Yuta is a hometown boy as he’s from Philadelphia and said that Philadelphia is a city for people who can’t afford to live in New York. He then made fun of Shiavone by calling him a fat old prick. MJF said that Yuta is a great wrestler but he had to put him in his place last week because he cut into his promo time. MJF said that Yuta has as much charisma as the late Joe Frazier has today. MJF then insulted the Phillies. MJF said he’s super rich and successful at only 26 and said that he would leave Yuta in a pool of his own blood on Broad Street. Yuta then chases MJF but Austin and Colten Gunn came out to get int he middle of them. MJF then said that they can fight next week in Dumpy D.C.

As MJF was starting to say his catchphrase he said that this crowd didn’t deserve to hear it. He then said he was going to a luxury box to watch Juice Robinson and Jon Moxley fight and that he might cash in his chip to win the championship. MJF told Austin Gunn to deliver his catchphrase which he did to end the segment.

A video package aired on Jay Lethal facing Darby Allin on next week’s Dynamite anniversary show. Both wrestlers spoke. Lethal told Sonjay Dutt and Satnam Singh that he knew he could beat Allin on his own

AEW World Champion Jon Moxley vs Juice Robinson in an Eliminator Match

William Regal was still on commentary for this second match. Robinson landed a headbutt to Moxley before the bell rang. Robinson left the ring to play the heel and as he went back into the ring he was quickly clotheslined by Moxley. MJF was constantly shown in his luxury box watching the match.

Robinson hit a cannonball on Moxley while he was leaning on the barricade. This made Moxley bleed (SHOCKING RIGHT?). Robinson continued to work on Moxley including a suplex on the ringside floor. Robinson then sat Moxley on a chair and began to headbutt Moxley’s bleeding forehead. The commentators made note that Robinson is a free agent so this is a pseudo try out for him.

Robinson went for a second cannonball on Moxley but he was able to move out of the way causing Robinson to hit the chair with all his speed. A bit later, both men were back in the ring and Moxley maintained control by hitting a cutter for a close two-count. With Robinson in the corner trying to catch a breather, Moxley climbed him but Robinson slipped under him and hit a powerbomb. Robinson quickly followed that up with a pulp Friction for a very close two call. Robinson went for another move but Mocley avoided it and hit Robinson with a knee to the head. He then grabbed his arms and constantly kneed him, applied a cross armbreaker for the win via submission.

Winner: Jon Moxley

After the match, Moxley stares at MJF at his luxury box. Hangman Adam Page’s music hit and out he came and comes face to face with Moxley. Moxley and Page had some back and forth words for each other, to each other and Page backed up and teased a fight but MJF began to speak from his box. MJF said that would simply fight to lose because he might cash in his chip after their match in Cincinnati. MJF then called himself a generational talent and posed to the crowd. While MJF basked in his own ego, Wheeler Yuta appeared behind MJF, spun him around and fought him. Yuta tossed MJF into the crowd area and security tried pulling them apart. MJF screamed saying that someone needs to arrest Yuta.

We get a video package setting up the ROH championship match later between Bandido and Chris Jericho.

We get highlights of Saraya’s debut last week. Saraya was then introduced to the crowd by Justin Roberts.

Seraya Speaks…

Seraya delivered her famous “I’m Back” line. The red hot crowd chanted “Welcome Back” Seraya said that she would deliver change to the women’s division in AEW and said that she is a revolution. Fans then chanted “This is your house”. Seraya took that cue to declare AEW her house. She then said that she would be in the ring when she’s ready but wanted to address the entire women’s division so she asked them to come out.

Toni Storm, Athena, Willow Nightingale, Sky Blue, and Madison Rayne came out of the face tunnel to join Seraya in the ring. Seraya introduced Toni Storm and said that she is finally being utilized to her full potention. Seraya said that Storm is the best champion that AEW has ever had.

Britt Baker, Jamie Hayter, Rebel, and Penelope Ford came out and called Baker called Seraya “another shiny new toy” and said that she is the actual face of the AEW Women’s division. Baker said that she put her neck on the line week in and week out but unlike Seraya, her neck can bandle it. Baler then made fun of Seraya a bit. Seraya was censored when she answered back saying that Baker’s name rhymes with….Baker praised Serena Deeb who then came out.

Seraya said that she finally has a boss that listens to her and the AEW Women’s championship match between Toni Storm and Serena Deeb is now a Lumber jack match.

Toni Storm vs. Serena Deeb in a lumberjack match for the Interim AEW Women’s Championship match

All of the women stayed out and served as Lumberjack’s while Seraya joined the commentary team. Deeb started the match out strong and dumbed Toni down a few times. Deeb continued to overpower Storm through the early stages of the match. Deeb then threw Storm to the outside to give the Lumberjacks something to do as they all put the boots to Storm.

After the commercial break, Storm was dumped back into the Lumberjacks. Hayter wanted to put the boots to Storm but was punched by and subsequently chased to the back by Willow Nightingale. Back in the ring, Deeb applied a single leg boston crab on Storm but Storm kicked herself out of the lock then hit a world famous hip attacks on the corner to Deeb. Storm hit a Storm Zero but this was only good enough for a two. The two go back and forth some more then Storm performed a piledriver from the middle rope to score the pin and win!

Winner: And Still AEW Interim champion Toni Storm

In the back, Max Caster and Anthony Bowens are with Daddy Gunn as they are being interviewed by Tony Shiavone. They declare next Wednesday as National Scissoring day. They then mentioned that they have an open contract for this week’s Rampage.

Keith Lee showed up and said that Swerve is still mad after last week’s match which saw Billy Gunn actually beat them rather than The Acclaimed . Lee told the Acclaimed that they are being carried as he walked away. Gunn told Lee that he has two words for him…Scissor Me as they did the whole scissor me schtick to end the segment.

Schiavone was still in the back and Andrade stopped Private Party, Butcher, and The Blade from yelling at each other. Andrade scolds Private Party a bit and then Jose tells them that Andrade is their boss so shape up or ship out. Once Private Party was left alone with Schiavone Matt Hardy appeared and said that last week was right and he promised them that if they work together again, they would do things the right way.

Ricky Starks vs Eli Isom

So this was the fastest and squashiest match that you would see in AEW. Stark hit some moves and a Roshambo for the win.

Winner: Ricky Starks

Excalibur went into speed reading mode while listing the following matches for Friday’s Rampage: John Silver vs. Rush, The Acclaimed vs. Private Party vs. The Butcher and The Blade in a Triple Threat for the AEW Tag Titles, Willow Nightingale vs. Jamie Hatyer, Lee Moriarty vs. Fuego Del Sol, and an appearance by Hook.

The speed reading continued with Excalibur hyping the following matches for next week’s Dynamite:

A video package aired on Jungle Boy’s rivalry with Luchasaurus and Christian Cage. Jungle Boy called his win over Rey Fenix one of his finest achievements and complained about what Luchasaurus and Cage did to him after the match, which was a beat down

Bobby Cruise is there to announce the introductions to the Ring of Honor Championship match. Ian Riccaboni is on commentary for this match.

Chris Jericho vs. Bandido for the ROH Championship

Bandido extended his hand for the Code of Honor with Jericho. Jericho does a half ass’d handshake then flips off Bandido to get heat from the crowd. The match started very fast paced as Jericho was sent to the outside early on. Once both men were back in the ring, Bandido went to deliver a suplex and kept Jericho up in the suplex position for over a minute. The crowd loved eevry second of this but Bandido looked like he was ready to drop Jericho a few times. Overall, Super Impressive.

After some more action, Bandido leapt from the middle rope and Jericho caught him mid air and turned it into a Code Breaker which was only good for a two count. Bandido did a hurricanrana to Jericho from the apron to make him crash hard on the floor.

Back from the commercial break, Bandido did a sunset bomb from the middle rope. Shortly after that, Jericho regained control of the match and performed a Lionsault onto Bandido for another close two count. Jericho continued his assault of Bandido with a few knees to the face of Jericho but Bandido started mounting a comeback as he performed a crucifix bomb for a very close two count. Bandido then controlled the match and tried to delive a X Knee on Jericho (GTS) but he blocked it and grabbed Bandido for a Walls of Jericho but Bandido made it to the ropes to break the submission. Jericho was celebrating and thought he won but Aubrey Edwards told him that Bandido grabbed the ropes for the break. This angered Jericho a bit and he then Suplexed Bandido but was cut off by an enzuigiri. Jericho made his way to the ropes and Bandido joined him and hit a top rope fallaway slam moonsault. This match took a lot of out Bandido as he slowly made his way to Jericho for the pin and it was a super close pin as Jericho got up in the last milli second.

Bandido then successfully hit an X Knee on Jericho and followed this with his 21 Plex but it still wasn’t enough to put Jericho away as he got up yet again at two. Jeicho then poked the eyes of Bandido and twisted the mask to completely blind him. Jericho hit a Liontamer inches from the ropes but with Bandido blinded and not knowing where he was he was forced to tap out to give Jericho the win.

Winner: And Still ROH Champion, Chris Jericho

Jericho called Bobby Cruise into the ring to announce his win. Cruise then help the mic while Jericho delivered a promo. He said that the era as begun and its the “Ring of Jericho”. Jericho said that he will take on all ROH champions starting with Bryan Danielson in Toronto on October 12. Jericho said that he will destroy all that was ROH. He will destroy every ROH Wrestler, Referee and ring announcer…..Jericho then punched Bobby Cruise in the guy and connected a Judas Effect on him. Jericho held the ROH title to close the show….


AEW Dynamite September 28, 2022

This show was just above average. While the talking seemed long and plentiful, the in-ring was overall great. The progression of the Daniel Garcia face turn is great and it was so good to see Bandido be given center stage against a legend like Chris Jericho.

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