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RAW: Tag Team Turmoil dominates the night

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Last week, Monday Night RAW was actually pretty good, because they stuck to wrestling. Can we get another decent show featuring wrestling tonight? With Extreme Rules on the horizon, there are matches to be made and stories to build up, so maybe? Enough speculation, onto the show from Miami.

Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods cut a promo backstage for tonight’s Tag Team Turmoil match to earn a shot at the RAW Tag Team titles. The Vikings Raiders get their say, and Mansoor and Ali follow up. Lucha House Party has something to prove, while T-Bar and Mace are not intimidated. Jinder Mahal has to translate for Shanky, or is it Veer, while AJ Styles and Omos vow to win back their titles.

The tag team champs, RKBro, officially kick off the show. Orton talks about Lashley and MVP failing to take their titles last week. They failed due to Bobby’s greed. Tonight, though, they will see which team deserves to be next in line to be defeated by the most destructive team in WWE. Riddle goes on to describe each team in his own special way.

The All Mighty interrupts, not happy with Orton’s comments. He challenges Randy to a one on one match. Orton accepts, on one condition; Bobby Lashley needs to put the WWE Title on the line. MVP and Lashley confer; Porter tells Orton that it will happen at Extreme Rules.

Lashley then says he and MVP will insert themselves into the Tag Team Turmoil match. The New Day takes exception to this announcement. They tell Lashley and MVP they better go talk to Sonya Deville and Adam Pearce quick because Tag Team Turmoil starts now.

Bobby Lashley and MVP interrupt RK-Bro with a huge challenge: Raw, Sept. 6, 2021

Tag Team Turmoil

Stage 1 – The New Day vs. The Viking Raiders

Coming out of an early commercial break, Kofi Kingston takes the fight to Erik, hitting a Boom drop. Ivar gets the tag, and Kofi gets caught by Erik and Ivar puts him down with a clothesline. A head scissors takes Erik to the mat. Woods and Ivar get tags. Erik slams Woods and Ivar hits a splash, but Xavier kicks out. Kofi hits a Trouble in Paradise on Ivar, saving Woods from the Viking Experience. Woods rolls up Erik and gets the pin.

Eliminated via pinfall: The Viking Raiders

Stage 2 – The New Day vs. Jinder Mahal and Veer w/Shanky

Woods and Kofi don’t even let Jinder and Veer get in the ring, taking them out with drop kicks through the ropes.  Woods goes up top and hits a big cross body on Mahal in the ring. Kingston with a kick on the apron, but then misses a corner splash. Woods gets the tag and stomps Jinder. He covers and gets the pin.

Eliminated via pinfall: Jinder Mahal and Veer

Stage 3 – The New Day vs. Lucha House Party

Lince Dorado and Gran Metalik saw what happened to Jinder and Veer and are ready when Woods and Kofi try to attack them on the floor. The Luchas are able to avoid the attack and then hit moonsaults off the apron. In the ring, Woods kicks out of splash from Metalik. Woods counters Lince coming off the top rope by getting his knees up. Kofi gets the tag and drops a leg across the back of Metalik. Woods eats a super kick and takes a moonsault from Dorado. Kofi is able to break the pin at the last minute. Woods takes a double super kick, but Kofi trips up Dorado from the floor, allowing Woods to hit a victory roll and pin Metalik.

Eliminated via pinfall: Lucha House Party

Stage 4 – The New Day vs. T-Bar and Mace

Mace beats up on exhausted Woods, who trues to put up a fight. Woods with a step up enziguri, but can’t gain on separation from Mace. Woods tries to fight his way off the top rope and hits a drop kick to the leg. T-Bar gets the tag, cutting Woods off from his corner. T-Bar goes for Feast Your Eyes, but Woods counters into a roll up and gets the pin.

Eliminated via pinfall: Mace and T-Bar

After the bell, Mace and T-Bar pummel Kofi and Woods. Mansoor and Mustafa Ali rundown for their match, but T-Bar and Mace toss them out of the ring. Mansoor is tossed into the ring steps and Ali is bounced off the ring post. Mansoor is then run over with the ring steps. Kofi tries to fight back in the ring, but gets thrown into the ring steps like a lawn dart. They turn their attention to Woods, when Sonya Deville and Adam Pearce walk out. They demand T-Bar and Mace to stop as several WWE officials try to end the carnage.

After the break, we find out the the Tag Team Turmoil match has been postponed until later and that Bobby Lashley and MVP are officially entered.

Drew McIntyre vs. Sheamus – United States Title Number One Contender Match

Damien Priest watches from the back. Sheamus delivers a superplex going into the commercial break. We return to find both men chopping away at each other. McIntyre eventually tries to rip off Sheamus’s protecting mask. Drew succeeds, but Sheamus rolls him and grabs a handful of tights to get the three count.

Winner via pinfall: Sheamus

After the bell, McIntyre clocks Sheamus with the mask and lays him out with a Claymore.

Backstage, Damien Priest is impressed by the fight that Drew and Sheamus just put on. Priest is going to enjoy his fight with Sheamus, but he does have his number.

Sarah Schreiber points out the Rhea Ripley and Nikki A.S.H. don’t have a lot in common. Rhea points out that they are both former champions and want to regain that title, but if they win tonight they could have some gold in common. Tonight, they will unleash SUPER BRUTALITY!

Sarah then talks to Charlotte Flair about bouncing back against Nia Jax after losing to her last week. Flair says she will do anything and everything to hold onto the title.

Nikki A.S.H. and Rhea Ripley vs. Natalya and Tamina – Championship Contenders Match

After a commercial break, Nikki is left alone in the ring after Tamina takes out Rhea on the floor. Ripley gets to the apron and gets the tag. She hits Natalya with a head butt and then a drop kick. Rhea calls for Nikki an makes the tag. Nikki goes up top, landing a cross body. Tamina breaks the pin, but gets a drop kick for the effort. Nataly hits a discuss lariat, but Rhea makes a blind tag. She looks to lock in the Sharpshooter, but Rhea comes in and hits the Riptide. Ripley covers Nattie to get the win.

Winner via pinfall: Rhea Ripley and Nikki A.S.H.

John Morrison welcomes Karrion Kross to Moist TV. This will not end well. Kross seems honored to be there and talk about himself, though. Morrison asks what is next for Kross; Karrion plans on making Morrison suffer. Morrison thinks its a metaphor, but Kross really wants to hurt him.

John Morrison vs. Karrion Kross

Kross hits the Doomsday Saito and locks in the Kross Jacket, but Morrison falls into the ropes. Morrison grabs a drip stick and squirts Kross, in a very bad mood. Morrison gets kicked in the head and tosses him over the ring post and out of the ring. Back in the ring, cross locks in the Cross Jacket and Morrison passes out.

Winner via submission: Karrion Kross

Nia Jax responds to Charlotte Flair, telling Sarah Schreiber that she will finish what she started last week.

Charlotte Flair (champion) vs. Nia Jax (challenger) w/Shayna Baszler – RAW Women’s Championship Match

At the bell, Shayna some thoughts. She doesn’t think Nia can beat Charlotte twice in a row. In fact, she thinks Nia will choke.  Jax takes a shot at Shayna, allowing Flair to get the upper hand. The two are separated and Flair rolls to the floor. She takes her title and starts to walk off. She tells Shayna to get out of her face. Jax pulls Flair by the hair, but is then hung up on the top rope. The champ with a chop block, but gets the figure four blocked as we head into a commercial.

After the break, Flair takes out Jax with a moonsault from the top on the ring post to the floor. Baszler looks to take out Charlotte with a cheap shot, but nearly decks Jax instead. In the ring, Flair can’t get the sunset flip over. Jax crushes her in the corner and sets her up on the top rope. Baszler jumps the apron, allowing Flair to hit Natural Selection of the tope rope. Flair covers and gets the pin.

Winner and still RAW Women’s Champion via pinfall: Charlotte Flair

After the match, Alexa Bliss and Lilly appear on the TitanTron. They want to have some fun and invite Flair to the playground. The Queen isn’t interested in her mind games and will not be heading to the playground. Lilly has so much energy, so they will bring the playground to Charlotte. The lights flash and go out. Bliss appears in the ring when the lights come up. Flair wants to know what Alexa wants. Bliss points to the title. Flair grants her a title match, but warns Bliss that this is the champ’s playground.

Reggie (champion) vs. Akira Tozawa (challenger) – 24/7 Championship Match

Reggie dodges several kicks from Akira. The champ with a drop kick and a spinning heel kick. He lands a flipping leg drop and follows with a flipping seated splash. He covers and gets the pin.

Winner and still 24/7 Champion via pinfall: Reggie

After the bell, R Truth and other challengers run in to claim the title. Reggie successfully escapes after hitting a corkscrew plancha on the group. Reggie poses on the ramp, only to have Drake Maverick standing behind him. R Truth tells Drake that this is his title.

Kevin Patrick wants to know if Doudrop is done with Eva Marie after she attacked her last week. Doudrop is going to challenge her to a rematch next week.

Tag Team Turmoil (continued)

Stage 5 – The New Day vs. Mansoor and Mustafa Ali

Ali pushes down the rope as Kofi is whipped into it. Kofi spills to the floor. Back in the ring, Kofi recovers and hits the SOS on Ali. Woods tags in, dropping Ali into the ropes and drop kicks him in the back of the neck. Kofi hits Ali with Trouble in Paradise and Woods follows with an elbow drop from across the ring. He covers and gets the pin.

Eliminated via pinfall: Mansoor and Mustafa Ali

Stage 6 – The New Day vs. AJ Styles and Omos

Omos and Styles dominated an exhausted Xavier Woods. Kofi tags in and doesn’t fair much better. Kofi hits Trouble in Paradise, but can’t cover right away. This allows Omos to break the pin up. Omos sends Woods the floor and grabs Kofi, who gets passed off to Styles. AJ hits him with the Styles Clash and covers to get the win.

Eliminated via pinfall: AJ Styles and Omos

Stage 7 – AJ Styles and Omos vs. Bobby Lashley and MVP

MVP and Styles face off, with the crowd firmly behind the hometown boy MVP. Instead of fighting, MVP tags in Lashley, who manhandles AJ, tossing him into the ring post. Styles pulls off a desperation Pele kick and both men are down on the mat. Omos gets the tag. Lashley and Omos circle each other. Lashley goes for a test of strength. Omos starts to over power him, so Lashley kicks him in the mid section and forces him into the corner. Omos blocks and reverse a suplex, dropping Lashley to the mat. Omos boots Lashley out of the ring, who ends up face to face with Randy Orton. AJ styles leaps off the commentary table to take out Lashley and Orton. Omos slams Riddle into the security barrier.

MVP and Styles fight on the floor. Omos tosses Riddle over the announce desk. Styles looks for the Phenomenal Forearm, but Lashley ducks it. He answers with a Spear to Styles. Lashley covers and gets the win.

Winners via pinfall: Bobby Lashley and MVP

After the bell, Omos lays out Lashley with a chokeslam. Orton hits the ring and drops the champ with an RKO.

See you next week.


Monday Night RAW 9/6/2021

FTX Arena, Miami, Florida

Monday Night RAW rolls out another solid show. Wrestling dominates the night, with the Tag Team Turmoil matches taking up the entire first hour and most of the third. Drew McIntyre and Sheamus put on a solid match to see who will face Damien Priest. RAW maybe short on sizzle right now, but there is plenty of substance and that is not a bad thing.

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