Tonight is a show that emphasizes the three B’s: Brawling, Beauties, and “The Burke”, and you best step Into The Fire to warm up to a cold open As Kyle Davis is with Billy Corgan and…Mickie James! Corgan makes a couple of big announcements. On August 28th -31th, the NWA heads to St Louis, MO for two pay-per-view events. The first involves an all-women’s PPV, executive produced by James herself, and the second with be the NWA 73 at the historic Chase Ballroom that, as Corgan notes, is “the emotional home of the NWA.” Kyle Davis turns to Mickie, and I’m just going to let her speak:
“I am just… I’m so honored and privileged. Thank you, Billy. Thank you for putting faith in me, and trusting me. This is something that I wanted to do for a very, very, very long time, and I was cut off at every opportunity. And you start giving me the opportunity to make a real difference. You know, everybody kept saying, ‘What’s next, Mickie? What’s Next, Mickie?’, and I thought I could go out there I could have some really killer matches. There are the greatest women’s talent out there that we’ve ever seen.
But this is different. We have a real opportunity here, with so much history. The same show that I used to sit back, and watch with my dad and just a …just a block, like right next-door. And now we have a chance to really show that women’s wrestling… not only does women’s wrestling make money, but it deserves that prime real estate right at the top of the marquee, just besides the men’s wrestling every single night, and I’m here to show you why women’s wrestling matters. It’s not just a hashtag. It’s not just a money grab. This is real, and I want the best of the best women out there. I don’t care where you’re from. I don’t care if you have a contract somewhere, and are bound somewhere. I want the cream of the crop. I want that untapped talent. You know? Those diamonds in the rough, but just haven’t had that chance, that opportunity to show what they’re meant to be. And together, if you build it, they will come. And, I’m so excited, that this is the first step, and a big journey, and I just could not be more excited!”
That makes two of us, Mickie, and this is huge news indeed.
But folks, we are live from the GPB Studios, in Atlanta, GA. Your Commentators, Joe Galli, Tim Storm, and Velvet Sky have the call. But, Galli is at The Podium, and introduces the new NWA women’s champion, Kamille. Galli congratulates her on the win, and Kamille is gracious…for a second before reminding us that she promised she would win it for the first time, and she now has the belt worn by previous champs like the Fabulous Moolah and Mildred Burke (the women’s belt heretofore dubbed, “The Burke). Kamille brings out Thom Latimer, and Galli stands up for himself calling what he did to Trevor Murdoch was uncalled for, but Latimer shoves Galli out of way to plant a kiss on his lady. Latimer calls out the boys, an Adonis and Aldis come out, and Aldis is dressed to the nines in a tuxedo. Chants of “Not my Champion” fill the studio, and Galli is still hot from last night, saying what Aldis and Latimer did was despicable, and in comparison to Kamille, she earned the belt the right way. Aldis says they’re out to celebrate, and Galli has ten seconds to get from His Podium.

Courtesy of the NWA
Galli isn’t backing down, and Tim Storm comes out to get between the men, and calms down Galli, and asks him to handle this. Galli heads back, and clearly Storm in teacher mode (I wonder if he’s had practice with unruly children? But I digress). Storm addresses the elephant in the room, and asks Adonis about dropping the NWA National belt to be in the 14 Man Battle Royale. Adonis shrugs it off, saying he never lost the belt, and he’ll get it back. Aldis states this is all “Conspiracy Corgan” moving the goalpost, but it won’t stop Strictly Business. Even when storm addresses that there’s a tournament to crown the next National champ, and it’ll be a three way with Parrow, Latimer…and Adonis. Neither man is worried, though. Aldis says enough of all this, as he is dressed to preside at coronation of Kamille later tonight.
May Valentine is backstage with Serena Deeb discussing her loss to Kamille at the PPV. Serena is sad, but was honored to carry on the legacy, pride and respect of the NWA women’s belt, and she hoped she did it justice. She also hoped she’ll be back to challenge for it soon. Here’s hoping we see more of the Woman of a Thousand Holds. But up next is you First Match, and it’s for the…
NWA Television Championship: Da Pope (c) vs Luke Hawx (with son PJ Hawx)
The match will be contested under the NWA Television title rules, with a 6:05 limit. Galli notes this with be Pope’s fifth title defense, and if he wins all seven times, he’ll be able to challenge for Aldis’ title. As we get boxing style intros from Davis, it’s a feeling out process by both men, with some nice chain wrestling with a fist drop by Pope to gain the upper hand. Pope follows up with a shoulder tackle to cover for a count of two. Pope tries to splash Hawx, but misses and hits turnbuckles, and Hawx gets Pope with a powerslam for a one count. Now Hawx presses the attack, with a vertical suplex to cover for a two count. Time ticks down, and at 4:00 left, Pope fights out, but a leg lariat by Hawx knocks down the champ for another two count. Hawx is determined, and gets Pope in the corner, but Pope punches away. Hawx knocks down with clothesline for another two count, and then tries to keep up the offense with a standing dropkick for 2 at 2:34 left in the match. But Pope pimps up, daddy, and delivers forearms to Hawx’s head. Hawx Irish whips Pope to the corner, and follows with a splash, but Pope gets out of the way, as Hawx is dazed, and a DDT by Pope gets a two count for him. With 1:06 left, Pope hits an uppercut, and the Elijah Express to the back of Hawx gets the big man down for count of three.
Your Winner via Pinfall, And Still the NWA Television Champion: Da Pope
With his fifth title defense out of the way, Pope edges closer to that title match.
Now May Valentine and Kyle Davis are at The Podium, shilling the merchandise, and the masked man from the PPV comes out.
Courtesy of the NWA
As Davis tries (woefully) to interview the masked man, He states he doesn’t need to introduce himself and he’s here because he supposed to be out here. He is the newest signee to NWA, courtesy of William Patrick Corgan.
Folks, until he says something else less cryptic than that, I’m calling homeboy “Son of The Question Mark ™.” But let’s move on to (and I use the words charitably) your next match…
Taryn Terrell vs. Lady Frost
This is the debut of Lady Frost, and of all the female combatants, Terrell does not do it for me. Before I could prepare to find a squash recipe for this squash match, Terrell gets out of the ring, gets on the mic, and says she is not feeling it. But, she says that Frost is super precious. She gets back in the ring, and Terrell shakes Frost’s hand. Frost is agog as this, and pushes her away. As she climbs through the ropes, Terrell rolls up Frost for the pin, and the win.
Your Winner via Pinfall: Taryn Terrell
For anyone that complains about this match, just repeat this sentence: At least it’s not Eva Marie.
Now Austin Idol and Tyrus come out to The Podium, and Tyrus just palms Davis’ bald head straightway. I swear, Tyrus is a step away from saying, “Tell me about the rabbits, Idol.” But faster that you can say “Of Mice and Men”, Davis says that both men aren’t scheduled to be here, and the best line by Idol of the night is, “Kyle, you were born unscheduled!”
Idol holds Tyrus’ fist, and sells how lethal it is, after it knocked out Pope at the PPV. Now, out comes BLK Jeez, and offers a business opportunity for Idol and Tyrus, who’re interested in what this Kevin Hart lookalike is selling.
Backstage again with May Valentine interviewing a still dejected Trevor Murdoch. He’s not sure how he feel. He notes he’s been screwed over due to office politics in the past. But this time, he felt like he had an opportunity in NWA, and he had the chance at the title, but…he’s at a loss. Trevor states he knows what to do, but doesn’t know the direction. May tries to console the big Texan, saying he still did his best. Which is true but he didn’t the championship, and that’s what’s so frustrating. If that didn’t tug at your heart, folks, then you’re a calloused, soulless shell of a person, and I’ve dealt with soulless people before.
But enough about Provo, UT. For now, it’s time for The Main Event…
The End (Parrow/OdinSon) vs La Rebelión (MechaWolf/Bestia 666)
This is the result of the end of the Fatal Four-way from the PPV, and it’s going to be a Powerhouse vs. Lucha Libre match, and before intros are finished, it’s Power that gets the advantage. Referee Robert King tries to get some semblance of control back as he rings the bell, and this is a case of going to the highlights of this brawl. The End some their tag team prowess with MechaWolf, with Parrow hitting a corner splash to Mecha, and OdinSon with a belly to belly suplex, followed by the Fireman’s carry to a Senton Drop of Parrow. Parrow covers, but gets a two. Mecha is your Wolf In Peril, as Parrow gets angrier, and gets one boot to cover for two. Another boot for a two count kick out. OdinSon is tagged in and hits a corkscrew European uppercut to Mecha’s back to cover, but still gets a two count. Tag back to Parrow, and he sends Mecha to the ropes, and he gives chase, but is caught in a DDT. Dazed, Mecha crawls to his corner, and gets the hot tag to Bestia 666, and now he is your Rebel En Fuego. At this point, the match devolved to a pier four, then La Rebelión take control with double knees, and a stunner to a missile dropkick but Parrow breaks up the count. Its pandemonium, and King calls the bell.
Referee Stoppage via Double Disqualification
But, Your Winners: The Fans
Courtesy of the NWA
The bell doesn’t stop The End, as the take La Rebelion and hit a supercollider. As The End get out of the ring, Parrow makes a beeline to Commentary, yelling that no one is safe in the NWA. As they walk away, they get taken out by tope suicidas by Rebelión, and all the men brawl to the curtain.
It’s now time for the coronation of the new women’s champion, Kamille, and Nick Aldis leads her to the ring, with two dozen roses for the champ, proudly wearing “The Burke”. As he hails Kamille, out comes Melina, who takes off her heels, and gets in Kamille’s grill. Then Jennacide comes out, and woman-handles Melina out of the way. Melina stares at Jennacide, and then goes out of the ring. Kamille is taking the sight in, and Jennacide raises her hand in acknowledgment of her accomplishment. What does this mean with all the brawling, beauties, and “The Burke” in the upcoming weeks? Guess we’ll have to tune in next week, as the shows goes to the end credits.
Final Thoughts:
Not a show filled with great matches, aside from the NWA Television championship match. But a ton of big announcements, especially with the announcement of going on the road to St. Louis, MO for two PPV’s. And Mickie James driving that show will be an amazing opportunity. Strange she’s never had the opportunity to do so until now. I wonder why?
Either way, you can tell thye NWA offered some sizzle, so we’ll see how the steak looks in the next upcoming weeks. Until then, see you in seven days!