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AEW announces award winners, Shaq challenges Cody

AEW has announced the winners of their first annual AEW Dynamite Awards.

With 436,000 total votes, the fans have spoken and the awards go to:

Best Moment on the Mic:
Cody Rhodes The American Nightmare accepts a Dog Collar Match from The Exalted One, Mr. Brodie Lee

Biggest Surprise:
Sting’s AEW Debut

Breakout Star – Male:
AEW TNT Champion Darby Allin

Breakout Star – Female:
AEW Women’s World Champion Hikaru Shida

Biggest Beatdown:
The Inner Circle jumps Orange Cassidy

High Flyer Award:
Rey Fenix of The Lucha Brothers

Hardest Moment to Clean Up After:
The Parking Lot Brawl featuring Best Friends and Orange Cassidy v. Santana and Ortiz of The Inner Circle

Biggest WTF Moment
Kenny Omega wins AEW World Championship and walks out of AEW after defeating Jon Moxley

LOL Award
The Young Bucks super kick MJF into the pool on the Jericho Cruise

Best Twitter Follow
The Native Beast Nyla Rose

Bleacher Report PPV Moment of the Year
AEW DOUBLE OR NOTHING Stadium Stampede Match

During the awards, Shaq also responded to Cody’s challenge. It’s on.

Shaq Issues Challenge on AEW Awards

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