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Countdown to Bound for Glory 2020

Event Countdown








Impact Wrestling’s Bound For Glory will see the culmination of feuds that have been built up really strongly over the past few months.  The angles leading into every match have been hot, the storylines have been logical, and there’s no better way to end them than at the company’s biggest show of the year.  We’re looking forward to seeing what happens on Saturday, and seeing how our predictions hold up:


Bob Kapur

Senior Editor

Often these types of multi-person matches only happen to crowbar everyone who’s not in another program onto the show. This time, they’ve actually made the match more meaningful, with the stipulation that Rhino and Heath will be out of the company if neither win the match. There’s a lot of fun to be had in them scrambling for their jobs, so look for them to lose. I see Heath and Tenille Dashwood as the last two, with Tenille getting the cheap win thanks to interference from Kaleb. Winner: Tenille Dashwood

John Powell


Since Rhino and Heath have a bit of an edge in this one, I am going to give it to one of them. Winner: Heath

Bob Kapur

Senior Editor

The build-up for this has been stellar, with both opponents showing off great intensity in their confrontations over the past couple of months. The fairy-tale ending has to be Young finally getting his comeuppance, and Rich Swann crowned the new champ. It’s only too bad this won’t be in front of a live audience because Swann’s win would certainly be a huge celebration.  Winner: Rich Swann

John Powell


It is great to see both of these solid workers and veterans getting their due in Impact. I cannot see Young surrendering the gold just yet. Winner: Eric Young.

Bob Kapur

Senior Editor

The story in this one will be whether Kylie Rae can keep her anger in check, after Purrazzo injured Rae’s best friend Susie. I can see Susie coming out during this one and reverting back to her Su Yung persona. Somehow, this will lead to Kylie losing the match. Which is probably for the best, since Purrazzo has only been champion for a couple of months, so a lengthier reign will add more gravitas to it when she does eventually lose. Winner: Deonna Purrazzo

John Powell


Kylie is way out of her league here. Deonna is getting the push she deserves and should have gotten elsewhere. Hang on tight. She is gonna be your champ for a long time. Winner: Deonna Purrazzo.

Bob Kapur

Senior Editor

It’s a good thing the Motor City Machine Guns returned and the company hired the Good Brothers this summer, because after The North, the company was really starving for serious contenders in the division. Austin and Fulton have done a good job hanging with the rest of this group in the ring, but have been a bit overlooked in the build-up to this match. That ends here, when they capitalize on an opportunity to steal a pin from another team. Winners: Ace Austin & Mad Man Fulton

John Powell


Totally biased on this one. I bleed NJPW and Bullet Club so I will be pulling for The Good Brothers all night long. Never a fan of those Motor S—-y Machine Guns anyhow. Winners: The Good Brothers.

Bob Kapur

Senior Editor

With the talent in this match, this one could easily steal the show just like the X-Division matches customarily did in the early days of TNA. Raju’s Gollum-like desperate obsession to keep the title has been a fun ride, and he’ll likely weasel a way to keep it again. This will likely lead to an Ultimate X match or some other match where he’ll lose it definitively, but for now, he holds onto his precious.  Winner: Rohit Raju

John Powell


Not a fan of intergender wrestling. Sorry, it is the code I was taught and grew up with about men not getting physical with women. I know this is scripted entertainment but that doesn’t change anything in my mind. I have to go with TJP. He is one of the best of his generation and being crowned the X Division Champion would boost Impact. Winner: TJP.

Bob Kapur

Senior Editor

Remember what we said about strong builds and logical storylines? This one has been the exception that proves the rule. If the build-up has been any indication, this will likely be some kind of cinematic match that will go too long, look and feel stupid, and make you feel embarrassed for both you for watching it and them for being in it. Winner: EC3

John Powell


It doesn’t make a whole lot of sense for EC3 to receive such hype and to fall flat in this match. Winner: EC3.

Bob Kapur

Senior Editor

With Ken Shamrock going into the company’s Hall of Fame this weekend, one might think it’s a lock that he wins. I think he does, but after the match, he’ll split from Sami Callihan and turn back to his fan-favourite ways. That will be the feel-good moment icing on the cake. Again, this is another one that makes it really unfortunate that it couldn’t be done in front of a live crowd. Winner: Ken Shamrock

John Powell


This is going to be nasty and ugly. Just the way I like it. Shamrock scrapes by with this feud continuing. Winner: Ken Shamrock.

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