Recently, Eddie Edwards was rushed to the hospital after Sami Callihan put a chair over Edwards’ head and hit it with a baseball bat. “I had to get a CT scan and all that stuff. I had a small fracture around my eye, small fracture on the right side of my nose, and a couple cuts, and a pretty sweet black eye … it could have been worse. That’s for sure,” said Edwards.

This unfortunate freak accident sets up a hot feud with Eddie Edwards vowing to get revenge on Sami Callihan. “It goes without saying that my focus is on Sami and oVe,” said Edwards Thursday morning on the Impact Wrestling conference call.

Eddie Edwards. Courtesy Impact Wrestling

Before Edwards can get revenge on Callihan he needs to complete the road to recovery from his serious injuries. There is no set timeline for when Edwards will be ready to return to in-ring action. “Each day is better than the last” for Edwards, which is promising news.

When the highly anticipated match happens between Edwards and Callihan, there is the potential for more viewers since Impact Wrestling recently launched its new channel on Twitch, which is a live streaming video platform. “To be able to apply our trade in front of people who may not have seen us live or not seen us on TV, it’s just a new chance to bring in fans,” said Edwards.

While Twitch may bring in more fans, another way to bring in more fans is with Impact Wrestling’s working relationship with other promotions such as AAA in Mexico and Pro Wrestling NOAH in Japan.

These promotional relationships provide fans the opportunity to see matches that were not otherwise possible and to give talent opportunities that would not have been available to them. “I think it opens up the door to everything … special events that they (fans) thought they would never see. If it wasn’t for Impact Wrestling I probably wouldn’t have become a champion over there (Pro Wrestling NOAH),” said Edwards.

In Japan’s Pro Wrestling NOAH, Edwards did what no other foreign wrester had ever accomplished: he became the Global Honored Crown (GHC) Heavyweight Champion. Edwards defeated Katsuhiko Nakajima to become the 17th GHC Heavyweight Champion.

However, Edwards lost the title on December 22, 2017 to Kenoh, and has not returned since his loss.

“In my mind I always want to go back. I was always prepared to go back to Pro Wrestling NOAH. I’ll try to get back over (to Pro Wrestling NOAH). Winning the GHC championship was always one of my goals as a professional wrestler. Unfortunately, I lost that title. I’m keeping my options open,” said Edwards.

Even with Pro Wrestling NOAH being a big part of Edwards’ career he considers Impact Wrestling the place to be. “Impact Wrestling has been my home for many years, and it will continue to be my home,” said the loyal Edwards.

With the years of experience at Impact Wrestling comes the change in wrestling style to give himself longevity in his career.

“You have to refine everything, the style in the ring but obviously you have to rehab and be preventative. It’s all about taking care of your body the best you can. Obviously, somethings are unavoidable like getting hit in the face with a baseball bat but other than that you do your best to take care of yourself and be smart because I don’t plan on hanging it up anytime soon so the longer I can do this, the better.”