Starring: Wesley Snipes, Kris Kristofferson, Dominic Purcell, Jessica Biel, Ryan Reynolds, Triple H
Written by: Marv Wolfman (character), Gene Colan (character), David S. Goyer
Directed by: David S. Goyer

Triple H sucks
There must have been something uncomfortably familiar for Triple H about the experience filming Blade: Trinity. How do you take a seemingly “can’t miss” storyline and somehow end up with something that, well, misses? Over the years, lackluster storylines in the wrestling world could be blamed on an apparent lack of motivation to try anything new, or perhaps the top dog in the company wasn’t willing to take any risks and jeopardize their image. It could be that Blade: Trinity suffers from these very problems.
The “can’t miss” factor of Blade: Trinity was found in the fact that after hunting vampires of varying species in the first two Blade films, the vampire hunter was finally getting a chance to hunt the biggest catch of them, all: Dracula (Dominic Purcell). A group of modern day vampires (including Parker Posey, Best In Show, and Triple H) have resurrected the vampire lord in an attempt to cleanse and renew the vampire species. Unfortunately for them, Dracula comes back as a fairly useless goon who exhibits none of the wile, charisma, or ruthlessness found in virtually all other film incarnations of the legendary bloodsucker. Part of the problem is that Blade himself (Wesley Snipes) is so all-encompassing as the star of the movie that he overshadows all other characters. Only Ryan Reynolds manages to steal a few scenes in what is essentially a Wesley Snipes tribute piece.
Triple H may not have picked the best role to launch himself into a film career, but he does make a honest go of it. In truth, because he’s essentially playing the Triple H character with fangs, you’d be hard pressed to find much different than his immediately recognizable heel persona. However, if Eminem can win praise for playing himself in 8 Mile, then Triple H deserves some credit for making the most of the meager role he is given. That role, not surprisingly, included some wrestling in a fight scene with Reynolds towards the end of the movie. “I think Triple H was supposed to be shot by an arrow and he just ashed and that was going to be his end, but they wanted a larger ending for him so that involved me as well,” Reynolds says in an interview found on Cinema Confidential, “I was terrified. The guy does not know subtlety on a physical sense so he was just tossing me around that room and you just got to suck it up.”
- Dec. 1, 2004: Family, fans fest Triple H in Blade
- Triple H story archive