He’s the son of Rikishi, twin brother of Jimmy Uso, and a former tag team champion. On Friday, Jey and his brother will be teaming up with the Big Show to take on the Wyatts in a six-man tag match at the Ricoh Coliseum in Toronto. On Thursday, Jey was able to spend a few minutes talking about his experiences in Canada.

Jey Uso was WWE tag team champion before Night of Champions. Photo by Bill Otten, B&B Productions.
The Canadian Weather
It’s tough for wrestlers to always know just how to pack any time they’re on tour. Sometimes they’ll be in a warm climate one day and the next town will be freezing cold. This is especially rough for Jey for one simple reason: “I’m terrible at packing,” he admitted to SLAM! Wrestling. “I was just in Milwaukee and I didn’t bring the proper clothes. I was freezing the whole time.” Part of that had to do with the weather, but it also had to do with Jey’s current address. “I live in Florida so to me 65 degrees is cold.”
Bizarro World?
The WWE announcers often refer to Canada as “Bizarro World” because the crowd doesn’t always react the way you think they would. They’ll cheer for a Canadian wrestler and often boo wrestlers they feel aren’t true wrestlers, regardless of if they’re a face or a heel. “Those crowds are always really hot,” Jey said. “It’s definitely one of the best places to wrestle because of their reactions.” Jey said he and Jimmy are glad that the Canadian crowds haven’t turned on them yet.
Favourite Canadian Food
When asked about his favourite place to eat while in Toronto, Jey had an interesting answer: Longhorn Steakhouse. What about his favourite Canadian dish? This might shock some readers but when I asked Jey about his thoughts on poutine, he said he had never heard of it before. Once I described it to him though, he admitted it sounds good. “That’s the kind of food that would make me look like my dad,” Jey joked. “I look at my dad and I looked at Umaga and I’m wondering how that big gene skipped us.”
Friday’s Show
As mentioned earlier, the Usos will be teaming up with the Big Show to take on all three members of the Wyatt family. The match isn’t for the tag titles he and his brother just lost but the Usos are hoping this match will give them momentum moving forward when they take on Gold and Stardust in their eventual tag team championship rematch. Jey loves doing live events because unlike televised shows, he really has the opportunity to play with the emotions of the crowd. If the six-man match isn’t enough reason to see this show, the main event is scheduled to be John Cena taking on Seth Rollins. The show starts at 7:30 p.m.