Fresh off her recent appearance and autograph signing last week at the downtown Toronto Eaton Centre Chapters-Indigo store, seven-time WWE women’s champion Trish Stratus kindly agreed to answer some questions from the SLAM! Wrestling mailbag.
Q: While looking at your MySpace, it’s obvious you love to travel, but what places are there that you would love to visit but haven’t yet and all the places you visited by yourself or with the WWE did you enjoy visiting? [Megan Hermann, Berwyn, IL]

Trish Stratus addresses the crowd at the autograph signing January 27, 2009. Photos by Kenai Andrews
Trish: Actually the pictures you are seeing on my MySpace were taken during the filming of my travel show that is currently airing here in Canada on the Travel+Escape network, called ‘Stratusphere’. So although I have been to many places, whether it was with the WWE or for my travel show — I would like to visit all those same places again, but in a non-work capacity, so I can just really relax and enjoy them. The one place I haven’t visited that I would like to is Egypt.
Q: What is your favorite memory from your time in the WWE? [Steve Kardolly, Olanta, Pennsylvania]
Trish: I get asked this question a lot, and to be honest I really can’t pick just one! I had so many memorable moments while wrestling whether it was a certain place or person that made the memory or the many things I had the chance to do outside of the wrestling world — it was all great! Can I say that my whole career looking back is a favorite memory for me?
Q: Hi Trish! My question is, do you have any plans to visit Australia again? You came here several times with the WWE and I did get to meet you on one occasion but you didn’t get much time here. Are there any sights and cities you would like to visit and spend more time? [Marcey Papandrea, Melbourne, Australia]
Trish: I’d like to explore the outback of Australia and learn about its ancient Aboriginal roots.
Q: Do you feel that women’s wrestling (such as the WWE Divas and the TNA Knockouts) get the attention and respect that it deserves? [Scott Romanski, Long Island, NY]
Trish: Currently, not as much as it used to get. I was lucky to have been a part of a time when women’s wrestling actually got quite a lot of attention and respect — sometimes as much or more than the men! It did however, take years for us to get there, so maybe the current views about women’s wrestling will see a shift over some time and get it back there. There’s definitely enough talent out there to help get it there.
Q: Who is one diva past or present that you wish you can or could have got in the ring and have a match with? [Josh D., Maine]
Trish: I think a match-up with Nattie Neidhart or Beth Phoenix would deliver some serious Stratusfaction!
Q: Any plans of returning, even for a limited run? [Steve, New York]
Trish: If the right scenario presented itself — like my recent return in Toronto — it was the right scenario to come out of retirement just to whoop Beth’s a**!
Q: Who do consider your greatest rival in wrestling? [Scott R., Massachusetts]
Trish: Hands down — Lita.
Q: Trish, did you ever think of relocating or setting up a residence in Florida like a lot of other Canadian wrestlers like Chris Jericho, Christian Cage, and Edge to make things easier and not have to deal with the harsh Canadian winters? [Roddie MacNeil, Sydney, Nova Scotia]
Trish: Never, I love Canada! It is my home, my family and friends are here, all my roots are here. I feel that the craziness of the road and keeping up with that schedule was easier to deal with if I came home to my real, true home each week. You know what they say, “There’s no place like home.”
Trish poses for a photo with a fan.
Q: Will there be any signings in the USA soon? [Warren A. Nickolson, Seattle, WA]
Trish: I hope so! It seems that is the feedback I’ve been getting from everyone on MySpace, and truth be told, the ratio is a little disproportionate when it comes to my Canadian vs. non-Canadian gigs! I’m working on how I can spread a little of the love south of the border.