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Slam Wrestling

Bouncing through indy-land

Hello Devine following. Hope everyone is doing well and has a wonderful Halloween! I think Halloween is the best holiday out there. You get to dress up in cool costumes and act like a child again for a night. Wait that’s what being a wrestler is too! Cool! So every night is Halloween for wrestlers!

Sad news again in the wrestling world as Reggie “Da Crusher” Lisowski passed away. Da Crusher was a huge draw for the AWA and one of the greatest characters in wrestling. My good friend Spencer Tapley, who owns Bottoms Up Sports Pub in Calagry and used to live in Winnipeg as well, and I used to use Crusherisms quite often to cut promos on each other. He definitely was one of the more colorful ’60s and ’70s era wrestlers and had a huge following. He will be sorely missed.

TNA’s Bound For Glory was a great PPV. There were some really great matches and I think that, due to Kevin Nash’s sudden hospitalization and inability to be at the show, the booking committee needs a huge pat on the back for giving fans a great show on the fly! I have to say the Ultimate X match, while most are up in arms due to its controversial ending, delivered! And I for one like the ending that we got! Petey Williams’ the man. Period. So of course the X should just jump off the cables and hand itself to him. I think it’s only right! 😉

I must sat though that it was a travesty of justice that Bobby Roode was not in the Gauntlet. Bobby is a future World Champ. Mark my words. And I have to be honest in saying I like the “new” AMW! James Storm has really showed me something as a heel and Chris Harris just keeps improving!

In western Canada Stampede Wrestling seems to have gotten a much needed shot in the arm by dropping some seriously dead weight. Kudos to Bill and the boys as they are starting to draw decent houses for an “indy” and continue to improve each show. I have said for many years Calgary is a great wrestling town and Stampede could be a draw there if done right. As well PWA in Edmonton continues to have success there and better bring me back there soon before I just show up one day and beat a certain promoter about the head.

Here in Winnipeg, AWE has begun to start its climb to the top of the Canadian indy heap. October 8th’s Back to School Bash was very successful. And they have started a really aggressive touring drive. They will be taping a PPV and a Fight Network/Wrestling network UK set of shows back-to-back December 6th and 7th featuring the return of the Steiner Brothers and Lex Luger, Buff Bagwell, Billy Kidman and the rest of the AWE roster. I can see this company being very successful if they keep their heads on straight.

But the big news, for me anyways, is next weekends Great Canadian Wrestling Expo in Oshawa. Three days of wrestling and good times! I can’t wait. There is going to be a ton of Canadian talent there as well as Jim Neidhart and his daughter Nattie, who is one hell of a great worker and person, King Kong Bundy, Koko B Ware, Kamala and Ricky Johnson. It’s going to be one heck of a weekend and anyone who’s a wrestling fan in the Toronto area or Ontario for that matter should check out at least one day. My buddy Ruffy Silverstein will be there and any time Ruffy and I get together debauchery ensues. So check it out people.

Aright enough for this week. Take Care all and remember … If you don’t like it, learn to love it! Cause I’m Canadian and proud of it!


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