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Dupre happy for son René

Emile Dupre gets asked all the time about his son René. They want to know how he is doing and how he is enjoying time as a WWE superstar. It often gets Dupre thinking about his early days as a wrestler, starting at 18 years old.

Dupre himself picked up and moved to Boston at a young age, leaving his home in New Brunswick. “I started around the same age, around 18 and went in to Boston. It wasn’t a very good bucket of fish then, I can tell you,” Emile told SLAM! Wrestling recently.

The Smackdown! tag champs, René Dupre, right, and Kenzo Suzuki, head to the ring Sunday in Calgary. Photo by Jason Clevett

He is enjoying the attention he gets through the success of his son. “I’ve got a lot of people asking, always, how well he’s doing,” he said. “All kinds of people want to talk about him.”

René’s success doesn’t really surprise him. “I always figured he might do pretty good, but he went up fast. He’s trying hard.”

Down the road, there’s the possibility of René’s brother Jeffrey getting in the ring beside him.

“He’s been wrestling a few places around Nova Scotia, New Brunswick. It’s independent stuff,” Emile said of his son Jeffrey. “I think he’s coming along pretty good. … it might take a little while yet. We’ve got a gym set up and we work out a little bit.”

Like most brothers, their rivalry was a natural one. But they have supported each other in their wrestling ventures, right from the first time they set up their dad’s ring on their own at the Shediac, New Brunswick home.

It was exercise for dad, showing his sons some moves. “When it all started, the two brothers were trying stuff together. René picked it up quite fast.”



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