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Rowdy Roddy Piper chat

Moderator: Roddy Piper has invaded the offices of CANOE and SLAM! Wrestling. Let’s start the chat.

Rowdy Roddy Piper: Thanks for having me here. How can I make you happy?

Mat Crossen: You are without a doubt my favourite wrestler of all time. But I would like to know if there is any chance of you getting a television show, whether it be comedy or action? Or if you are just going to concentrate on movies? They Live is one of the best movies of all time.


Mr. Piper reflects on a question. — Photo by Stephen Laroche

Rowdy Roddy Piper: Thank you for the compliments. I haven’t shown you my best stuff yet. I’m shameful of my career to date and will not rest until repaired. I’ve been approached by Stephen Leahey of Action Time and the president of ICM who would like to do an extension of Piper’s Pit called On The Ropes with Roddy Piper.

Tom Metselaar: Do you miss the World Wrestling Federation and would you ever go back? Why did you leave in the first place?

Rowdy Roddy Piper: I left because I had to. If I had let McMahon hold my career in his hand, I’d be setting up the ring. I think it’s a necessity. Everything has to go full circle. Anything less would be cheating the fans.

Lou Holt, Palm Desert Ca: My earliest recollection of wrestling is you and Chavo Guerrero at the Olympic auditorium in Los Angeles. What is your fondest memory of that era?

Rowdy Roddy Piper: Leaving. Never having to wrestle for his father Gory Guerrero in the bull ring in Juaraz for $35.

Jesse: Why haven’t pro wrestlers formed a union?

Rowdy Roddy Piper: Nobody’s had the balls, the guts. But I’m working on it.

Trond F. Helland from Norway: What is your greatest WWF memory?

Rowdy Roddy Piper: Wrestling in Glasgow, Scotland and the appreciation I got from the fans in one particular night made up a career.

Carlo Orlando: Hello Roddy, what are your feelings about Bret Hart announcing his retirement?

Rowdy Roddy Piper: I’m very sad. I have an equation: Goldberg kicks Hart in the head, Hart suffers concussion, they terminate Hart. Shouldn’t they have terminated Goldberg? What’s wrong with this picture? But then that’s Turner/Time Warner.

Bubba: Did you like Vince Russo’s booking style?

Rowdy Roddy Piper: Let me tell you about Vince Russo. I used to know Russo when he was 100 pounds heavier in another business. The first time Vince Russo took power and Roddy was in his dressing room, he tried his first power play with Roddy. He sent in Ed Ferrera with a sheet to my dressing room, with an interview on it. It had a lot of profanity on it. I told him I don’t do profanity. Profanity is gage for lack of talent. I said to Ed, ‘Are you guys pretty thick skinned?’ He told me nothing I could say could bother them. And asked me what I was going to say. I told him ‘You and Vince were writing for McMahon the last year, right?’ Ed said, cockily, ‘Yes’. I said, then you’re the two bastards who killed Owen Hart, right? Two minutes later Busch and Russo were in my dressing room. I can get your attention. Thank you.

Michael Bassily: Why did the WCW release you?

Rowdy Roddy Piper: Good question. One I’m trying to figure out myself. It goes like this… Roddy wrestles for WCW. Roddy rips bicep while wrestling. Coach gets brace for Roddy’s arm and Roddy’s told to keep wrestling. Roddy does as he’s told. Two weeks later, the bicep completely tears. Roddy’s told to keep wrestling. Roddy goes home, gets operation, hears nary a word from WCW. Roddy calls Eric Bischoff. Eric says, ‘I’ve got an idea.’ Roddy says ‘I have a better one.’ Eric says ‘Have it on my desk by 10:30 Wednesday.’ I will call this the ghost tape. I told them completely how to turn WCW around. It was an industry tape, 17 minutes long. No reply. Roddy feels odd. June 21 Roddy sends fax to WCW. Fax says, ‘Regarding tape, I await.’ That same day WCW asks me for 3 personal appearances, which I accept in writing. A month later, they cancel 3 appearances. Roddy still does not hear a word about the tape or appearances. Brad Siegel calls. Roddy talks. Brad Siegel is not aware of the tape, does not terminate Roddy, concludes conversation with ‘I’ll look into it.’ Five minutes later, Siegel goes on vacation. The next day, FedEx sends a termination paper for incapacitation. Here’s the interesting part. The conversation with Brad Siegel was July 21. FedEx arrived July 22. FedEx dated July 19. It began by ‘I enjoyed our conversation this morning.’ It wasn’t this morning. It was the day before the conversation had taken place.

Ellen Teitel: Any chance of following Mick Foley and writing an autobiography of your life?

Rowdy Roddy Piper: I’m writing a book now called, If You’re Going To Die Kid, Die In The Ring. It’s Good For Business. This will not be the Disney version and if I can get it out of the hands of the lawyers, hopefully I can get it to you soon.

Carlo Orlando: Hot Rod, What are your fondest memories of the old NWA, was it the dog collar match with Greg The Hammer Valentine?

Rowdy Roddy Piper: Well, that’s definitely a memory, but how fond, I’m not sure. But definitely a milestone in my career and probably one of the toughest matches in wrestling history. I would put that match up against any hardcore match you could find and let the fans vote because I was hardcore before hardcore was cruel.

GM: What was your favourite memory of hosting ‘The Piper’s Pit’?

Rowdy Roddy Piper: I liked shaving Haiti Kid’s head. That was a lot of fun. Franky Williams was one of my favourites. But Snuka is the one responsible for the popularity of Piper’s Pit — not Roddy Piper.

MECCA DON: What are memories of Andre The Giant?

Rowdy Roddy Piper: Ohh. Andre and I go way back. I had over 200 matches with Andre The Giant. I was one of the few people that did what I wanted to do when Andre was around, other than push Andre around. Andre took me under his wing, as did many other old timers. And I was the only man ever to have Andre the Giant bleeding, carried out on a stretcher in Madison Square Gardens. That’s what Andre thought of me. What do I think of Andre? I don’t think I’ve ever met a finer human being.

Jeffrey Clark: Is there anybody you never got a chance to fight that you regret you didn’t get to hook up with?

Rowdy Roddy Piper: I’ve had over 7,000 pro wrestling matches. There’d only be one that I could think of, that I could shoot with and wrestle — as long as it’s in the ring. And that’s Junior, I’m not talking Bob Orton Jr. Editor’s Note: Piper is referring to Vince McMahon Jr.

k_lochan: What are your thoughts on your match against Goldust at WrestleMania 13?

Rowdy Roddy Piper: I had a good friendly chuckle out of the match. You see, this Cadillac was coming at me, I would guess at a good 31 miles an hour. I was supposed to move. I looked at it and for some reason, I decided not too. The chuckle I got was when Dave Meltzer said in his scripture that he was 99% sure that it was a stuntman.

seanbekorn: Do you get along with Hogan?

Rowdy Roddy Piper: Not in the beginning, the beginning 12 years. But we always had a tremendous amount of respect for each other. But there was a major difference. He lived in a mansion in Connecticut next to Vince. I lived on a mountain in Oregon. The heat between Hogan and I came from who really drew and made WrestleMania. War To Settle The Score and WrestleMania were all about ‘According to Dr. Ruth Westheimer, Geraldo Ferrera, Rod Stewart, Dick Clark, etc., etc.,’ Kill Piper. So who really made WrestleMania? Why did they come? Did they come to see Hogan flex, or see the beejeepers beat out of me? I think that history now answers that question. And Hogan now bows to it, and I bow to his bank account. It’s no fun being a rebel.

Brandon: What is your proudest match ever? Where you can say you pleased the fans?

Rowdy Roddy Piper: I do not look at my career by the match, because it has been so extensive. I have to look at it by its pivotal points and give credit where credit is due, as in Bob Armstrong’s case. Bob Armstrong on Atlanta TV allowed me to tell him how skinny his legs were, something that was taboo in the sport of wrestling at the time. Yet it was Bob’s idea. Bob Armstrong is the type of man that I look up to. He doesn’t have a problem giving. In this TBS interview, I asked him about his skinny legs. He told me, ‘Have you ever seen big legs on a racehorse?” I waited as Bob sauntered away, and the cameraman frantically telling me to get off the air, but I hung on long enough to say, ‘Well, if I’m ever at a horse race, I’ll be sure to bet on you.’ It sold out the Atlanta territory. Thank you Mr. Armstrong.

Roddy considers a question. — Stephen Laroche, CANOE

Lee DeWald: You were a very prominent figure in the WWF… why did you only receive one title run?

Rowdy Roddy Piper: When I was 19, I won the light heavyweight championship of the world in Los Angeles. The next day, my bag was 10 pounds heavier, but my bank account was the same. I have turned 3 world championships down. The only people that need title belts are the ones who can’t get over by themselves. That I’m proud of.

Corey Thacker: What are your thoughts on the direction Wrestling has/is taking.

Rowdy Roddy Piper: I am very proud of any real deal professional wrestling. Definition: Someone that just wrestles for a living, no other line of work. I see young great athletes out there, giving fans their heart. I also see the establishment tearing the same heart out. Union.

Jane: What are your plans now that you are no longer with WCW???

Rowdy Roddy Piper: I’m sad and I’m mad. I’m sad that the people in WCW would prostitute my sport as they allowed Russo to do. I told them, point blank, what was wrong and they wouldn’t correct it, making me realize all the ulterior motives going on at WCW. I can simplify it. When I started wrestling, it was a profession, now it’s a business. I will tell you this, I could turn WCW around in two months flat.

Dave Howe: Have you thought about starting up your own wrestling group in either Portland, Vancouver or someplace else as a promoter? If you have why not do it? I am sure you have the connections and know how to do it successfully.

Rowdy Roddy Piper: I ask you, would you support a west coast federation, and if you would you want the same style you’re getting, or would you want a alternative? I think that the west coast is prime to become the next large federation. And then I don’t think there’s going to be any more room.

Moderator: Speaking of the west coast, what are your feelings and memories of Don Owen?

Rowdy Roddy Piper: Don Owen was one of the better promoters that I dealt with. Quick story will sum that up. On Thanksgiving, Don Owen would give each wrestler a turkey, a Butterball. This particular Thanksgiving, we had the honour of having the midgets on the card. Don Owen gave the midgets Cornish hens. I love that old man.

Sean Stein: Who do you think is most promising wrestler to come out Stu Hart’s dungeon Jericho, Benoit, Storm?

Rowdy Roddy Piper: Promising? I don’t know Lance Storm. I know Chris Benoit & Chris Jericho and I think they are the future because they arrive at the same goal but they take different paths. That’s where the magic is.

Lee DeWald: Was it more fun being a heel or a face? Either way, you were extremely entertaining.

Rowdy Roddy Piper: I’ve always just been Roddy Piper. I guess I was just a born heel. I never changed my style or interview style. The people always changed me in every territory I was in. I think they just tired of beating me up, and started cheering me. A quick example. WrestleMania II, second round, I’m boxing Mr. T., and the Nassau Coliseum started chanting ‘Roddy, Roddy.’ That’s exactly how it happened. After which Hogan went to McMahon and said, Hey, I’ll ride on his kilts. And from what I know, Vince said ‘Don’t worry I’ll take care of it.’ Thus the birth of ‘They Live.’

Brandon: RODDY,comment about the death of Owen Hart

Rowdy Roddy Piper: You have room in your navel for 2 peas in the heart of promoter. I look at it as them being in their height of the Peter Principle. That’s when you are at the height of your ignorance.

Jasmine: You mention that you could turn WCW around. How would you go about it?

Rowdy Roddy Piper: Maybe I should air the tape I sent WCW. It was called TNT. Tame ‘Em & Train ‘Em. And for you the wrestling fans, I will give serious consideration to releasing this tape. Wrestling fans have the right to know if the money they’re spending will enable them to receive the highest quality of product available.

Scott Brown: Hi Roddy I’m a huge fan! The Dynamite Kid always talks well of you & how great you were to him. What are you thoughts on him? Also I know you helped start out Art Barr as Beetle Juice. Any thoughts on him?

Rowdy Roddy Piper: Dynamite Kid was way ahead of his time as a performer. He was treated very disrespectfully but he was the kind of man that would suck it up and give it his all, whether it was chewing gum or kicking ass. But he still doesn’t know to this day why Matilda so ruthlessly went after Jimmy Hart every time. But I do. That poor puppy.

Muraco and I used to come around an hour before every match to Matilda, who on any given day was given four or five shots of steroids at any given day by three or four given wrestlers. Muraco & I would steal Jimmy’s bullhorn and put in the face of Matilda. And put our hand over the speaker, pushing the button, which caused a tremendous amount of feedback in Matilda’s ears. By the time Jimmy Hart came out, one word out of the megaphone, he ran for his life.

I was blamed for Art Barr’s death. Art Barr was a real special friend of mine. When they found him dead, they called me before they called the police. I wasn’t invited to the funeral. And I’m sorry, that’s all I’ve got to say.

Anonymous: What was it like working with John Carpenter on the film They Live ?

Rowdy Roddy Piper: Pain in the ass! Geez. His wife, at one point during the shoot said, ‘You’re coming between me and John.’ It was my first Hollywood fight. Hollywood fights vary differently. When an actor is angry, they say, I won’t come out of my trailer. When I get angry on the set, you couldn’t keep me in my trailer. I’d be in the bar down the road. It’s a different world. But credit where credit is due, Carpenter is a great director.

Robert Burns: Roddy, I’m from Connecticut, Bob Backlund just lost a race for congress here, any thoughts of a political career?

Rowdy Roddy Piper: I had spoken about Piper for Prime Minister. At no time did I mean for Canadians to take this literally. I do have a soft spot for Canada, and if there’s a way to pay back and help, I want to. If I wanted to run politically, it would take me five years to do the homework and a huge cut in pay. So I don’t see it in the future.

Mike: If your kids wanted to get into the wrestling profession/ business, what would be your advice to them?

Rowdy Roddy Piper: No. Not a chance. I’d blackball them. At home, we have a satellite and all wrestling is blocked off and there’s a reason for that. My oldest child, when she was about four, saw a clip of me on the news, and the other fellow was bleeding. She got scared, and asked if she did something wrong, would that happen to her? I haven’t let my children watch wrestling since. They are my life.

Dave: Roddy, please give us your fondest memories of wrestling at maple Leaf Gardens and for Frank Tunney

Rowdy Roddy Piper: I saw the auction of Maple Leaf Gardens. After they auctioned off the hockey net, I expected them to be auctioning off my right hip bone, as there definitely is six pounds of flesh left in the Garden from me. It was my favourite place to wrestle.

Brandon: What do you think of Vince McMahon?

Rowdy Roddy Piper: Vince McMahon’s father hired me. Vince, if you watched him early when he got into the ring, is a carbon copy of Roddy Piper. So I must give the man credit, ’cause he copied the best. But his name still is Junior.

Michael Bassily: Why did they blame you for Art Barr’s death?

Rowdy Roddy Piper: Without a doubt, throughout the entire wrestling industry, I was king of the frat house and the rebels. Ask anyone. Art, I believe wanted to follow the same path. It’s just not as much fun as it sounds. I’m sorry.

Scotch Tape: If the opportunity presented itself, would you be interested in going to ECW?

Rowdy Roddy Piper: I’d be honoured to be with any of the great young athletes they have in any federation.

Reese: Roddy, you could always wrestle a tremendous match with anybody, big name or not. One of my favorites was the time you beat a fellow with one hand behind your back. But speaking of big names, I have to ask you, what are your present thoughts on Ric Flair?

Rowdy Roddy Piper: Ric Flair got me in more trouble… sheesh. Ric Flair would take me into a bar in San Juan, Puerto Rico, night after night. First word out of his mouth, 99 Kamakazies for John Wesley Harding. That’s his pet name for me to this day. He’s a consummate pro and a dear, dear friend. But he’s got a big nose.

Tom: Was the Cyndi Lauper, Rock N’ Wrestling era ultimately good or bad for wrestling?

Rowdy Roddy Piper: I don’t think there’s any doubt that Cyndi Lauper, in hind sight, sacrificed her career for the huge industry we have today.

Daniel Bradshaw: What was it like to wrestle in front of two of the biggest crowds in Wrestlemania’s history….WM 3 in Pontiac Michigan, and WM 6 in Toronto, Ontario?

Rowdy Roddy Piper: In Pontiac Silverdome, what made it special is they had these rings to travel to the ring. When it was my turn up to bat, the ring-thing broke, and Junior was there, and said, ‘Wait, Hot Rod, wait.’ I said, ‘No, I’m going.’ When I ran down the aisle, as opposed to being pampered down, the audience rose to its feet in a deafening ovation. It was the closest I felt, during a match, to the fans. In the SkyDome, they had a big banner, Piper for Prime Minister. But I painted myself half black. So you have to understand that the crowd was the best part.

David: What are your thoughts of the “steroid scandal” that started receiving major publicity in 1991. You were one of the people came under fire. What are your thoughts?

Rowdy Roddy Piper: I thank you for reminding me. My thoughts are quite simple on that issue. At that time, when you got a bottle of testosterone, on the label, much like the cigarette packages of today, it said ‘This drug does not enhance athletic ability.’ This caused a reverse psychology, because we knew it did. So why believe anything else they said about it. And it sure made that 90 one-night stands in a row easier to make.

Corey Thacker: If you were in the beginning stages of building a promotion, and could choose one *current* wrestler to build the company around, who would it be and why?

Rowdy Roddy Piper: I’d build it around myself. However, the competitor that I would be teaching would be Chris Benoit.

Tom: I have to know: did you practice the coconut in Snuka?

Rowdy Roddy Piper: I improved almost everything I did. The answer to your question is no, there was no rehearsal.

Samir Nurmohamed: Do you think some of the older guys in WCW did indeed hold back some of the younger talent?

Rowdy Roddy Piper: As I was coming up the ranks, I took the main event spot. I didn’t ask for it. In taking it, the only way to do is earning it. The young talent of WCW said, ‘Get these old guys out of here. We want to be main event.’ Well, they got their wish, and the ratings too. It is impossible to hold back talent.

Herb: Roddy, I had read that you were once stabbed in the Carolinas when you were trying to protect some kids, what is the story there please?

Rowdy Roddy Piper: I’ve been stabbed three times. The one you’re referring to was in Raleigh, NC. I had just finished my match, cooling down in my trunks, boots and towel around my neck, watching Ivan Koloff wrestle, learning a lot. A large black man waved a bucknife in the air and yelled, ‘Piper come get some of this.’ At the same time, he was spinning around and there were children all around. So I put my towel around my left arm and came after the guy. We jousted back and forth, I’d say about 30 seconds, when I recognized that somebody was hitting my right hip. That’s when I broke the cardinal sin of a knife fight. I took my eyes off my opponent. Drawing my hand back to hit the person hitting my hip, and it turned out to be a six-year-old little black girl. I stopped the swing, at which time he stabbed me in the chest, coming an inch from heart. Once he had stabbed me, he panicked as I picked up a big chrome piece of pipe. He ran back into the arena where the wrestling was going on and I ran after him. As I turned the corner, I ran into a 357 Magnum a police officer had out. He saw the blood coming from my chest, a lot of commotion, black man down, and it became slow motion as I watched this same policeman pistol pointed at the back of this black man’s head. I could see the hammer coming back, at which time a fellow officer screamed at him and jammed his hand between the hammer and the pistol. As they took my in a gurney into the ambulance, people spat chewing tobacco at me, and chanted ‘Die, Die.’ I found out later the little black girl was his daughter. Just another day in paradise.

Mel: What are your opinions on being in the main event of the first WrestleMania card and wrestling Hogan and Mr. T?

Rowdy Roddy Piper: I think that we were all lucky to be there. Timing is everything. In my opinion, WrestleMania was not as premeditated as people believe today. However, I’ll cover that one in the book for you!

Gipper: In your not-so-humble opinion, who would make a better professional wrestler: George W. Bush or Al Gore?

Rowdy Roddy Piper: In my not-so humble opinion, I would say Bush because he comes from the land of queers and steers, and I don’t see no horns on him. Perfect WWF material.

Dave: In my opinion, there was not a better era in pro wrestling then from 1979-1983 in the Mid Atlantic area as well as here in Toronto. Can you please comment on that era as well as some of the top names at the time (i.e.Jimmy Valiant, rick Steamboat, John Studd, Ivan Koloff, etc)

Rowdy Roddy Piper: Ivan Koloff, Ricky Steamboat, unfortunately did not catch the wave of WrestleMania. And the people who got cheated were the fans because they were tremendous wrestlers. The era you speak of had much to do with the surge in wrestling as those very people you speak of were laying the foundation as the big ball kept rolling. We owe them a lot.

Patrick R.: Do you ever feel cheated by the business that you gave so much to because you were never a World Champ in either of the BIG TWO when you were once the biggest heels in the business?

Rowdy Roddy Piper: I feel very cheated from the world of professional wrestling as far as the establishment is concerned. In my home, there are no pictures of Roddy Piper, no trophies. They are put in some closet for my kids one day. If this particular chat that I’m doing is a shoot, and I’m supposed to shoot, and it’s entertainment, what pride is there in 10 pounds of gold-plated bronze around your waist. The pride I get is being one of the highest money drawers in wrestling history.

Tom: Do you think pro wrestlers should unionize?

Rowdy Roddy Piper: Absolutely, but that approach will never work. I have been there, in the car, driving home four wrestlers, 2 cases of beer, planning how we’re going to attack the establishment at noon tomorrow. Come noon, I was at the door, and as I looked around, I realized I was awfully lonesome. Therefore, someone that is not afraid and self-sufficient has to do that for them, and I’m that someone.

Brandon: As a little PIPER..who did you look up to in the wrestling business??

Rowdy Roddy Piper: I never saw a pro wrestling match until I was in one. So I had no preconceived notions of the sport. However, once being accepted, I went from having zero fathers to a hundred fathers, all with their special take on life. And I loved each and every one of them.

Bijan: Were your interviews written by you or did Vince or others had a major input?

Rowdy Roddy Piper: Nobody ever told me what to say in my interviews.

Brandon: Do you think that beating Adrian Adonis was one of your best matches??

Rowdy Roddy Piper: No, I had my best matches between 1972-1985.

Peter Traverse: Who do you consider the most over-rated wrestler? (past and present)

Rowdy Roddy Piper: Kevin Nash.

Devin : Did you enjoy being an announcer? What was it like to work with Gorilla Monsoon?

Rowdy Roddy Piper: Gorilla was a great man. I was asked to be an announcer when Jesse quit. McMahon got nervous because Jesse was over strong. When first asked I refused. The first day I was in the hotbox with me with McMahon, he tried to keep up. At the end of the 3 1/2 hours, McMahon turned quickly out of the studio and was gone, at which point Bruce Pritchard came down and said, ‘Boy that Vince is something. He’s up there puking his guts out, he must have been sick all there.’ Baloney. I blew him out. but that’s in the book too, and it gets much better

Tom: At WCW, Nash implied that after you, Hogan and Savage let the WWF you “left nothing but potholes”. I believed that to mean that the bigger named wrestlers did not put over the up-and-comers as much as they should have. Do you agree?

Rowdy Roddy Piper: The comment made by Nash was from an interview I had done with Flair saying we paved the road. His comeback was, ‘Yeah, but you left potholes.’ Well jeepers, Kevin, you have to earn your money somehow. Did you want us to put up landing lights so you wouldn’t fall off too? Let’s face it, it’s a heck of a lot easier to fill in a couple of potholes than to rip through the forest paving the road.

Darius: Hey Hot Rod, what did you think of your match with Bret Hart in WrestleMania 8 for the IC championship?

Rowdy Roddy Piper: I like Bret. I didn’t want to wrestle Bret. Bret Hart and I have a much closer relationship than people realize. I fell in love with his mother first time I saw her. So I needed to make a career decision, and I was taught also to pass the torch. So with the match with Bret, I made sure that I put the belt around him, and raised his hand myself, to propel him up. Because he was the one that deserved it the most. But I’m the most popular wrestler to ever come out of Canada. Don’t forget that Bret.

barron: First off, your heel commentating with Gordon Solie is what got me interested in wrestling. Who were your favorite wrestlers to hang out with and who did you just hate?

Rowdy Roddy Piper: Orton, Muraco were the ones that were my frat brothers. I didn’t hate anybody.

Moderator: Speaking of Gordon Solie, what are your memories of him?

Rowdy Roddy Piper: Gordon Solie set the stage and barometer for the epitome of wrestling commentators that allowed a man like Mean Gene the knowledge to take it even to a higher level. They’re both unsurpassable.

Steve Johnson: Hi Hot Rod, I was wondering what it was like to work on a music album? (The Wrestling Album)?

Rowdy Roddy Piper: Oh jeez! That was just nuts. Whoa. That album was done on a mountain of Peru. Brother, they all know what I’m saying.

Brian: How do you feel about WCW releasing Bret Hart and Scott Hall?

Rowdy Roddy Piper: Scott Hall, let me get this straight, 3 times in rehab, one time in the nuthouse, and they wonder if they should let him go? All I did was rip a bicep. I have never met a human being with no redemptive qualities, other than Scott Hall. He’s a scourge on my sport.

Moderator: We’re going to wind this up. We’ll take about five more questions.

Tom: Any desire to start a wrestling school?

Rowdy Roddy Piper: Roddy Piper never went to a wrestling school. I was a 167 wrestling champion. I’ve been asked to help folks out and I’m honoured to do so. If I were to start a school, it would be a finishing school for wrestlers that were already full-time, that were maybe at a spot in their career that they couldn’t get over. This would be much more intriguing for me than one tackle, and here’s how you take a backdrop.

Cathy: I would think it would be really hard to be married to a wrestler, with all the injuries, time away from home, etc. Has your family ever wanted you to quit the business?

Rowdy Roddy Piper: My family has always stood behind their dad. Kevin Sullivan some 23 years ago called my wife, the almost-saintly Kitty, because anyone who could put up with my stuff has to be next to a saint. What wrestlers put their families through cruel and unusual punishment. However, what is the wrestler to do? Because it did buy the horses and the ranch. Tough spot folks, but a good woman.

terry: Hi Hot Rod, My question to use is if you have ever wrestled for Emile Dupre’s atlantic grand prix wrestling in the Maritimes back in the early seventies. Also have you ever wrestled leo Burke.

Rowdy Roddy Piper: Yes, on both counts. Emile Dupre, when I wrestled for him, would buy 24 bottles of Schooner, that we would all chip in on. As Emile would finish his 3rd beer, he would take the beer caps that he had kept in his top pocket, count them, then take what was left of his six pack so nobody else would get them. In case you didn’t get it folks, he was the promoter. But the best time I saw with Emile was one night, driving with Don Leo Jonathon and Emile, and Emile said, ‘I don’t know Don, it was a helluva house, but I think I deserve some of the credit too.’ Don Leo said back to him, ‘Emile, you can have all the credit. Just give me the money.’ That was about the 104th wrestling lesson I learned that day. never a dull day, there was. Leo Burke was a real fine man, from a fine family, and his brother the Beast took me under his wing, as I would have only been about 16 years old then. And one of my closest friends, Rick Martel, I wrestled his brother Michel there before he died. And J.J. Dillon. My point being, I made a lot of long-time frat brothers out of the Maritimes.

TERRY DART: Hi Roddy, did you ever wrestle Don Leo Jonathon and was he one of the toughest men you ever wrestled

Rowdy Roddy Piper: Yes, I wrestled him. Don Leo Jonathon was kicked off a movie set by John Wayne because he overshadowed him. Don Leo Jonathon was one of the Little Rascals. He did 2/3rds of the world’s underwater welding in Alaska. I was into fast-drawing at the time, and Don Leo Jonathon loved to hear me play the harmonica. I will give you an idea of how lethal this man could be. At 310 pounds, he was fast enough to, if you had your pistol cocked and pointed at him, he could draw, and get a round off before your hammer could hit the round.

Carlo Orlando: I have a friend in London, Ontario who met you and I guess you told him a story of you and kevin sullivan going alligator boot hunting? can you elaborate that story if the story is true?

Rowdy Roddy Piper: Yes, I can. We were going down Alligator Alley. Kevin Sullivan, Wally Dusek, Bill Alfonso and myself, and I wanted a pair of alligator boots. So I saw this alligator. We stopped the car, Dusek handed me his pistol and I shot the alligator. I hit the alligator under the left front claw. As soon as I hit him, he slid into the water and was motionless. For 10 minutes, we threw rocks at it, hitting it in the head. It did not move. Kevin Sullivan said to me, ‘You take off your pants and go and get this alligator, and I’ll splash the water, because in Hawaii, it keeps the sharks away.’ Don’t ask the logic. So I took my pants off and went into the swamp, and as I went to waist level, this alligator dove underwater and half a second later, I was on the hood of the car. As the wrestlers, horse-laughing at me, approached the car, an armadillo went through the grass next to the car. Next thing I knew, I had a lot of company!

Moderator: Well that’s it. SLAM! Wrestling wants to thank Roddy Piper for participating in this on line chat and we want to thank all of you for your questions and comments. As always, Roddy has the final word.

Rowdy Roddy Piper: I am not finished with my sport. I’m am not going to let a career like mine be cut short over a political mess. I give you my word, you will see me one more time. And that mark will be the one they remember.


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