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Foley announces retirement

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Mick Foley appeared on TSN’s “Off the Record” on November 30, 1999, to announce his retirement from the ring.

During the interview, Foley (aka WWF star “Mankind”) indicated that his decision was partially influenced by his recent performances in matches in Toronto and Montreal which he found disappointing. His realization that he can no longer deliver matches at the same high levels as he has put on in the past, coupled with the constant pain he feels every day, were the main reasons for his decision.

Ultimately, the years of chairshots and hardcore bumps have taken their toll on his body to the extent that he could no longer perform even the most elementary of moves without pain. Recently, he has shifted to more of a comic element in his character, preferring to entertain via interviews and antics rather than endure the pain of in-ring action.

Foley stressed that his retirement is not part of a wrestling angle, unlike other similar storylines in the past (the most recent one being Hulk Hogan’s announcement in WCW). Rather than going through an undignified cycle of fake retirements followed by quick comebacks, Foley said he would prefer going out with finality, possibly by ending up the “Loser” in a Retirement stipulation match, thus bringing some legitimacy to that ratings ploy.

As for his post-wrestling career, Foley noted that he has a career with the WWF for life, should he want it. He said that he “was made for” the role of Commissioner or similar on-camera role with very limited (ie: one-time only) returns to the squared circle. But as for day-to-day involvement in the ring, Foley has two words for you… “I’m done.”

(On a personal note as a long-time fan and admirer of Mick Foley, I have just three words to say to him: Thank You, Mick!)

Other highlights of his appearance:



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